Setting Renewable Fuel Blending Volumes for 2023 and Beyond

Fuels America held a webinar with industry stakeholders about the future of the Renewable Fuel Standard. Under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program in the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets annual biofuel blending requirements in accordance with volumes determined by Congress through 2022. After 2022, in a rulemaking commonly referred to as “The Set,” the EPA …

Land O’Lakes, Inc. Project Aimed at Scaling Production and Addressing Equity in Climate-Smart Farming Selected by USDA in Historic Funding for Climate-Smart Commodities

Project will deploy funding from USDA’s Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities and matching funds from grant partners to scale production and demand for climate-smart corn, soybean, wheat, cotton and milk production Arden Hills, Minn. (September 15, 2022) – Truterra, LLC, the sustainability business of Land O’Lakes, Inc., one of America’s largest farmer-owned cooperatives, and American Farmland Trust (AFT), a nonprofit focused …

USDA Announces Climate Smart Commodities Project Funding

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is investing up to $2.8 billion in 70 selected projects under the first wave of the Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities funding opportunity, with more projects to be announced later this year. Projects announced for this first funding pool included proposals seeking funds ranging from $5 million to $100 million. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack discussed …

RFA Hosts Reporter Roundtable on Ethanol Issues

RFA Logo

Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President and CEO Geoff Cooper was in Washington Tuesday for an event with President Joe Biden at the White House to celebrate passage of the Inflation Reduction Act which includes provisions to benefit the biofuels sector. Cooper held a reporter roundtable Tuesday morning in person and on the phone to discuss the legislation and other ethanol …

DWFI Podcast 17 – Karina Schoengold, UNL Agricultural Economics

DWFI Faculty Fellow Karina Schoengold is leading a $6 million, 4-year project to reduce the use of plastics, herbicides and associated environmental impacts in agricultural production. The use of plastics has been growing in agriculture over recent years to help increase productivity by limiting weeds, protecting growth and extending growing seasons. The team aims to create a bio-based material called …

Ethanol Report from Farm Progress Show

Ethanol was in the spotlight at the Farm Progress Show in Iowa this week and the Renewable Fuels Association was there to promote the high octane benefits of the fuel and the role of biofuels and farming in combating climate change. RFA president and CEO Geoff Cooper, Director of Government Affairs Jared Mullendore, and Vice President of Industry Relations Robert …

2022 Farm Progress Show

Farm Progress Show 2022

The 2022 Farm Progress Show is being held in Boone, IA this year. The area got some needed rain over the weekend before but the exhibit grounds are in good shape. Unfortunately, that didn’t go so well for field demos and harvesting demos. So, we’ll be posting photos and interviews with a tight schedule for media use. This virtual ag …

Field Notes from Koch Agronomic Services – Episode 22

The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services breaks down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less. The experts we’ve heard from on our previous episodes have covered topics ranging from how different crops use nitrogen to the 4R’s of Nutrient Stewardship and how growers and retailers work together to choose the best …

Land O’Lakes, Inc. Positioned to Support Carbon-curious Farmers

Cooperative leveraging sustainability and agronomic expertise with program that provides a warranty to farmers transitioning to regenerative agriculture practices (Arden Hills, Minn., August 30, 2022) – Land O’Lakes, Inc., one of America’s largest farmer-owned cooperatives, is encouraging more farmers to adopt regenerative farming practices by working to remove one of the biggest barriers – fear of lost profitability and productivity …

2022 Luke Bryan Farm Tour – Press Call

2022 Luke Bryan Farm Tour

Bayer is once again partnering with five-time entertainer of the year Luke Bryan, joining his 2022 Farm Tour as presenting sponsor and continuing their Here’s to the Farmer campaign celebrating America’s farmers and fighting hunger. New this year, Kroger joins the campaign offering the first-ever Farm Tour 2022 sweepstakes, giving fans across the country the chance to win a Luke …

Ethanol Report on Upcoming Export Exchange

The U.S. Grains Council (USGC), the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), and Growth Energy are once again joining together to host the 2022 Export Exchange. U.S. suppliers of coarse grains and co-products, industry representatives and members of the grain trade are encouraged to register now for the event scheduled for October 12-14, 2022, in Minneapolis. In this edition of the Ethanol …


(Atlanta, Georgia) – J.M. Huber Corporation (Huber), a global, family-owned specialty engineered materials manufacturing company, announced today that it has signed a binding agreement to acquire full control of the Biolchim Group from NB Renaissance, Chequers Capital and the Biolchim Group management team. The Biolchim Group, managed and headed by Galileo Quattro SARL, has its main operating base in Italy …

ZimmCast 697 – Bayer Crop Science Field Technology Showcase


Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. Getting close to episode 700! I’m sharing two of the interviews I conducted during the Bayer Crop Science Field Technology Showcase last week. We had multiple in-field demonstration plots and presenters. I was most interested in one about small stature corn which you’ll hear is the core of Bayer’s Smart Corn strategy. Then on …

2022 Bayer Crop Science Field Technology Showcase

Bayer Agronomy Center

Bayer Crop Science hosted a group of media representatives to see the latest technology in the field at the company’s Agronomy Center in Jerseyville, IL. This virtual ag newsroom includes links to photos and audio content available free of charge for digital or print publication or broadcast. Photos 2022 Bayer Crop Science Field Technology Showcase Audio Interview with Leo Bastos, …

U.S. Farmers Receive $1.2 Million in Carbon Farming Payments Through CarbonNOW® Program

Payments were made to farmers in Locus Agricultural Solutions’ CarbonNOW® carbon farming program, through funding from Anew Climate, LLC (previously Bluesource) and Green Star Royalties Compensation was received within 8 months of enrollment in CarbonNOW—making them the fastest carbon payments made through any carbon farming program  CarbonNOW is the most accessible carbon farming program and the only agriculture program …