Ethanol Report on Earth Day

Ethanol has a seat on the ground at one of the largest Earth Day events in the country this weekend – Earth Day Texas, which last year hosted over 130,000 attendees, over 700 exhibitors and more than 250 speakers. Even bigger and better this year, the event includes an alternative fuels educational session on Saturday where Renewable Fuels Association Vice …

Fluency Agent Advanced Helps Farmers CARE

The Bayer CARE initiative has been encouraging growers to be good stewards of the land for five years and now Bayer is making that goal more attainable with Fluency Agent Advanced, which was introduced by the company at Commodity Classic. In this interview, Bayer Seed Growth product manager Melissa Chu and Ron Reichert, application technology manager for Bayer Seed Growth, …

ASTA Weighs in on New Phytosanitary Measures

Last week the seed industry announced good news in the form of the International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM), a world wide attempt to put seed regulations on the same page. Ric Dunkle, Senior Director of Seed Health and Trade for the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) was at the International Plant Protection Convention in Korea when the standards were …

Missouri Soy Partners to Develop Non-GMO High Oleic Tech

The Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council‘s efforts to grow farmers’ return on their soy checkoff investments have taken another leap forward. The leaders of Missouri’s premier organization for soybean research formalized a key partnership to bring Missouri’s non-GMO high oleic soybean technology to growers. The agreement, signed and recognized today with a ceremony at the Bay Farm Research Facility outside Columbia, …

2017 Water for Food Global Conference

Welcome to the virtual newsroom for the 2017 Water for Food Global Conference held April 10-12, 2017 at the Nebraska Innovation Campus in Lincoln, Nebraska. The event brings together over 400 researchers, practitioners, policymakers, farmers, faculty, students, thought leaders and industry experts to explore “Water for Food Security: From Local Lessons to Global Impacts,” a theme inspired by the notion …

SMART Farmer Galen Lee

Galen Lee has a diversified 4th generation farm operation in southwest Idaho that produces sugarbeets, asparagus, and peppermint, as well as dairy and beef. In this edition of the SMART Farmer podcast, he talks about how sugarbeets are raised and made into sugar and how biotech varieties have made them more sustainable. He also talks about how he raises peppermint …

Peanut and Cotton Growers Provide Farm Bill Input

Peanut and cotton growers provided their input into commodity programs in the next farm bill during a hearing this week before the House Agriculture Committee’s Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management. Georgia farmer Tim McMillan testified on behalf of the Southern Peanut Farmers Federation in support of maintaining the peanut provisions of the 2014 Farm Bill and the …

Canadian Trade Policy Delivers Blow to Wisconsin Dairies

Over 70 Wisconsin dairy operations are already feeling the blow from a protectionist Canadian trade policy that has slammed the door on American dairy exports, violated existing trade commitments, and left farmers across the state scrambling to find milk buyers. Grassland Dairy Products Inc. informed over 70 operations this week that their contracts with the company will end May 1st, …

USFRA Panel Looks At The Future of Protein

Future Food-Tech took place in San Francisco last week and brought together over 300 food business technology leaders, investors and food-tech innovators. Brad Greenway, Chairman, U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) sat on a panel titled, “Creating Consumer Demand for Healthier and More Sustainable Ingredients.” As the sole panelist who represented the animal agriculture community, Brad was able to share …

Senate Urged to Vote on USDA Secretary

As the agriculture industry continues to operate without leadership at the USDA, industry groups, including the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), have been urging the Senate to vote this weekand confirm Sonny Perdue as U.S. Secretary of Agriculture before recessing for spring break. House Agriculture Committee Chairman Michael Conaway (R-TX) and Ranking Member Collin Peterson (D-MN) have also urged Congress …

Experts to Share Ideas at Water for Food Conference

The 2017 Water for Food Global Conference will welcome a record 100 speakers and global experts to share ideas and help find solutions to the world’s pressing water and food security needs. The flagship event of the Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute at the University of Nebraska, held in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and …

SMART Farmer Lauren Schwab

This edition of the SMART Farmer podcast comes from National Ag Day in Washington D.C. last week where USFRA Faces of Farming and Ranching representative Lauren Schwab talked about SMART Farming. Lauren is known as FarmGirlWCurls on Twitter and Facebook, where she uses her platform to educate non-farmers about the business. In this program, she talks about how technology helps …

Ethanol Report From 2017 Crappie Masters Tournament

In this report, Chuck spoke with some of the teams from the Crappie Masters tournament happening this weekend in Grenada, MS. The Renewable Fuels Association is a title sponsor of the Crappie Master American Tournament Trail which puts them on par with other sponsors like Bass Pro Shops. In the report you’ll hear from the owner of Crappie Masters, Mike …

2017 Crappie Masters Grenada Tournament

Welcome to the virtual newsroom for the 2017 Crappie Masters tournament trail sponsored by The Renewable Fuels Association, American Ethanol, and Bass Pro Shops. It’s the Grenada Lake National Qualifier Mississippi State Championship. During the event, Chuck talked with several teams about their use and experience with E10 gas in their boat engines. This virtual newsroom includes links to photos, …

Agriculture Secretary Nominee Hearing

The Senate Agriculture Committee held a confirmation hearing March 23 for former Georgia Governor Ervin “Sonny” Perdue III who has been nominated by President Trump to serve as Secretary of Agriculture. During the hearing, Perdue outlined his four overall goals as agriculture secretary – to maximize opportunity of agriculture to create jobs, prioritize customer service every day, ensure a safe …