#TPP Signed in New Zealand

Trade ministers representing Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United States, and Vietnam gathered for the signing of the historic signing of the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement concluded four months ago in Atlanta. The ministers released a joint statement noting that the “signing of the agreement signals an important milestone and the beginning of …

Syngenta COO on ChemChina Offer

Syngenta confirmed Monday that ChemChina, a Chinese state-owned company, has offered to acquire the company with the cash purchase of all Syngenta shares. The $43 billion deal must still be approved by two-thirds of Syngenta shareholders and receive regulatory approval. Syngenta Chief Operating Officer Davor Piskof held a press call with reporters Monday to talk about the deal, noting that …

Ethanol Report Analyzes Iowa Caucuses

Since the ethanol industry made a strong effort to support candidates who favored the Renewable Fuel Standard going into the Iowa caucuses, the oil industry is making much about the fact that one of the only two candidates opposed to the RFS won the Republican vote in the state. In this Ethanol Report, Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob …

Ethanol Key Issue in 2016 Iowa Caucuses

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) won the Republican ticket in Iowa last night with Donald Trump coming in second despite Cruz’s ambiguity on ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). However, ethanol has gained a significant amount of positive ground according to a press conference held by Growth Energy. On the call: Tom Buis, Co-Chair of Growth Energy Monte Shaw, Executive …

ARA Hosts National Policy Conference

The Agricultural Retailers Association is hosting its National Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. February 1-3, 2016. During the event, members will conduct the business of the association through committee meetings leading up to a final board meeting mid week. In addition, ARA members will hear from regulators and interact with legislators while they are here, addressing their priorities on the …

#NBB16 Feature of this Week’s ZimmCast

The 13th National Biodiesel Conference and Expo was held last week in Tampa and it was the 11th year that ZimmComm has done the Biodiesel Conference Blog. Way back in 2006, the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) was one of the first industry organizations to see the value in new media like blogs and they continue to stay on the cutting …

GOP Debate Spotlights Cruz’s Views on #Ethanol

With the Iowa caucuses coming up on Monday, agriculture and renewable fuels finally got some attention in the Republican debate last night, as Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas was asked about his position on the Renewable Fuel Standard. “We should be developing oil and gas and coal and nuclear and wind and solar and ethanol and biofuels but I don’t …

Wetland Preservation Gets $9M from USDA

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has announced the establishment of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Wetland Mitigation Banking Program, made possible by the 2014 Farm Bill. The program will provide $9 million to help states, local governments or other qualified partners develop wetland mitigation banks that restore, create, or enhance wetland ecosystems, broadening the conservation options available to farmers and …

Mavrx Announces First Promotional Grower Offer

Mavrx, a leader in Ultra-High-Resolution (UHR) imagery for agriculture, introduced its first promotional grower offer during the 2016 Top Producer Seminar. Mavrx CEO Max Bruner made the announcement at a series of luncheon meetings with top growers during the event where Mavrx is a premier sponsor. Bruner explains, “With commodity prices the lowest in years, growers are seeking tools to …

Cattlemen, Cattlewomen Head West for CIC & NCBA

Cattlemen and women made their way West January 27-29, 2016 to take in the sunshine and sea breeze for the 2016 Cattle Industry Conference (CIC) & National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) Trade Show in San Diego, CA. The event brought beef leaders together to attend the educational Cattlemen’s College, walk the aisles of the industry trade show and network, network, …

New Practices Aim to Increase Productivity for Lamb Producers

Lamb producers were introduced to the industry’s first set of Productivity Best Practices at the 2016 Sheep Industry Convention January 27-30. Lambs sold per ewe is the biggest influence on profitability, and implementing the new Best Practices to Increase Your Lamb Crop gives sheep producers more control over price volatility, according to the panel of sheep producers and production experts …

International Attendees Flock to #IPPE16

The Georgia World Congress Center is the home for the International Production & Processing Expo. The event is sponsored by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, North American Meat Institute and American Feed Industry Association. There were 1,300 exhibitors occupying almost a half million square feet. 2016 IPPE Photo Album Novus Talks Innovation at IPPE – Novus Offers Sustainable Antibiotic-Free …

Coast-to-Coast #NBB16

The 2016 National Biodiesel Conference & Expo (#NBB16) is being held in Tampa, Florida January 25-28. This 13th annual event for the industry has the theme of “Coast to Coast” and features a trade show, as well as sessions on timely topics such as biodiesel’s role in reducing climate change, the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), ASTM, mitigating risk, biodiesel tax …

Common Ground Grows Food Dialogues

The national Common Ground conference took place in Washington D.C. last weekend. The event, sponsored by the United Soybean Board and the National Corn Growers Association, was created to help farm women learn how to better communicate with urban women about the safety and security of their food. “The ideas is that women are the primary grocery shoppers in the …

Ethanol, Media & RFS Focus of Ethanol Report

With the Iowa caucuses coming up February 1, the Hawkeye State has been inundated with both candidates and reporters, and ethanol has become a topic for mainstream media to report about, often inaccurately. In this Ethanol Report, Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) president and CEO Bob Dinneen discusses the inaccurate terms being used to describe the RFS, urges the media and …