Wichita Residents Embrace Ethanol

Ethanol Promotion and Information CouncilOMAHA, NE. (January 13, 2006, 2005 – AgNewsWire) – Wichita, Kansas residents turned to ethanol-enriched fuel in record numbers this fall, according to recently released market data from a partnership promotion between Kwik Shop stores and the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council (EPIC).

Keep An Eye On AgNewsWire

Welcome to the new year and AgNewsWire. Since our service just kicked off last month right before the holidays the last few weeks have been a little slow. That’s to be expected and will change soon.

Happy Holidays From The Staff

Happy Holidays from AgNewsWire and the staff at ZimmComm. We’ll be working to make this a valuable news destination for agricultural journalists in the coming year. You can already see a number of news items that were posted in the last month or so. They are now archived and will always be available.

Rib Roast Sales Spike At Christmas

Missouri Beef Industry Council(Columbia, MO – AgNewsWire) Like the rare Who-Roast Beast in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” roast beef is a big part of the Christmas dinner celebration for Americans.

Strong Plants, High Yields for Soybeans Treated with CruiserMaxx

SyngentaGREENSBORO, N.C. December 15, 2005 ― (AgNewsWire) Cruiser®Maxx® Pak proved its strength and value during its first year of commercial use. CruiserMaxx Pak-treated soybeans showed stronger stands, better plant vigor and quicker canopy, ultimately flourishing into a high-yielding crop. Planted on two million acres in 2005, CruiserMaxx Pak protected soybeans against a broad spectrum of early-season insects and diseases to maximize crop potential and boost yields.

Bean Counter Bonus Program from Syngenta Saves Corn and Soybean Growers $2.50 per Unit

GREENSBORO, N.C., December 15, 2005 — (AgNewsWire) The Bean Counter Bonus Program™ from Syngenta Seed Treatment offers growers a per-unit rebate on the purchase of Cruiser®Maxx® Pak-treated soybean seed if they have purchased Cruiser Extreme® Pak-treated corn seed. This program, now in its second year, provides quality insect and disease protection for corn and soybeans while reducing a grower’s investment by $2.50 per unit of soybeans.

Missouri Beef Producers Stand To Benefit From Reopening of Japanese Market

Missouri Beef Industry CouncilColumbia, MO December 12, 2005 – (AgNewsWire) – News that Japan is reopening its market for U.S. beef products is good for Missouri beef producers, according to Missouri Beef Industry Council Executive Director Steve Taylor. “With the full export market available to us, there’s an additional 50 to 75 dollars per head added to the value of a carcass, so that translates back to Missouri producers. It does put money on to the value of the cattle that they sell here.” (Full Release)

Massey Ferguson Announces New Specialty Tractor Line

DULUTH, GA – December 5, 2005 (AgNewsWire) – Massey Ferguson has introduced three new specialty tractors equipped with pressurized cabs and air filtration systems designed to supply clean cab air for the operator. The system seals out pesticide particles and other contaminants to protect operators during specialty applications such as orchard spraying.

AgNewsWire Kicking Off December 5

AgNewsWire is getting ready to get cranking. Our Talking News Release customers are very excited about the additions to the services we now offer, including the exclusive Quickfarm Network distribution. ZimmComm’s Chuck Zimmerman is heading out on the road to make presentations all over the country at the invitation of many of the top agricultural companies and their agencies.


Link to document file. For Immediate Release ETHANOL FUELS INDYCAR SERIES Beginning in 2006, Indianapolis 500 and entire IndyCar Series will use Ethanol WASHINGTON, D.C., Friday March 4, 2005 – The Indy Racing League (IRL) has teamed up with the ethanol industry to put the corn-based fuel on the race track in the IndyCar Series. IRL Chief Executive Officer Tony …

MFA Incorporated Health Track Has QSA Status

Now that Missouri’s Quality Systems Assessment (QSA) program has been accepted by the USDA, MFA Health Track calves can comply with the new federal designation, which means they will have the go-ahead for the toughest export markets. Specifically, post-BSE negotiations with trading partners like Japan have made QSA a necessary bargaining tool.

Today’s Missouri Farmer Reads Today’s Farmer

Over 70 percent of Missouri’s farmers recall receiving Today’s Farmer, published by MFA Incorporated, according to the 2005 Ag Media Research Readership Study. That’s more than Successful Farming, Farm Journal or Missouri Ruralist, according to the study. Ron Claussen, Ag Media Research, says, “The high response number of producers indicates a very high actual readership level for Today’s Farmer magazine.” Full Release

A New Service From ZimmComm

This is a new ZimmComm blog that is under development. Companies: give us some time and we’ll give you a new way to distribute your news!! Journalists: give us some time and we’ll give you a new multi-media source of ag news!!