The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) announced it will publish the 2012 Census of Agriculture full report on May 2. The announcement was made this week as NASS Census and Survey Division Director Renee Picanso was attending the National Agri-Marketing Association conference in Jacksonville, Florida.
Interviews From Capitol Hill
During National Agriculture Day and American Coalition for Ethanol Fly-in activities last week, we were able to interview three lawmakers from the Midwest about issues important to agriculture. Rep. Rodney Davis of Illinois discusses ethanol and the RFS, his experience working on the farm bill, and the water resources development bill. Freshman Lawmaker Learns & Teaches on Farm Bill – …
Interview with RFA CEO from DC
In this interview, Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen discusses the latest from Washington DC, including what he is hearing about the EPA proposal to lower the RFS, the latest anti-RFS ad campaign from Big Oil, rail delays impacting ethanol shipments, getting the tax credits for advanced biofuels reinstated, USDA plans to continue to support ethanol, and enthusiasm …
2014 ACE Biofuels Beltway March
The 6th annual Biofuels Beltway March organized by the American Coalition for Ethanol was held March 25-26, 2014 in Washington DC. Over 80 supporters representing 15 states heard from officials with USDA, EPA, and the White House and then visiting the offices of more than 120 members of Congress. 2014 ACE Biofuels Beltway March photo album Big Turnout for ACE …
National Ag Day Celebration
The celebration of 2014 National Agriculture Day in Washington DC included events March 25-27. Ag Day is celebrated annually to recognize and celebrate the abundance provided by agriculture. Every year, producers, agricultural associations, corporations, universities, government agencies and countless others across America join together to recognize the contributions of agriculture. National Ag Day photo album Farm to Fork Politics photos …
Borlaug Statue Unveiling
A statue of Dr. Norman E. Borlaug was installed March 25, 2014 at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., on what would have been the great agricultural scientist’s 100th birthday. The leadership of the United States Congress, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Governor Terry E. Branstad of Borlaug’s home state of Iowa, and Amb. Kenneth M. Quinn, who chaired …
Swine Health Seminar Focuses on all Aspects of PCV2
Boehringer Ingelheim (BIVI) recently hosted its Swine Health Seminar in Dallas, Texas. The theme: Running the Option: A Multifaceted Approach to PCV2 (or Porcine Circovirus). The virus was first discovered (or genetically identified) in 1974, and in essence, this year marks the 40th anniversary of PCV. Today, the virus has mutated into PCV2 a and b. The Swine Health seminar …
New Holland Operation Blue Force
New Holland Operation Blue Force was Chuck’s latest stop on the agriblogging highway in Bakersfield, CA. This was a New Holland training experience for dealers and ag media got their turn to practice driving some new equipment. They spent the day rotating between different equipment stations. Chuck was busy shooting videos and interviews and had ZimmGlass in the field for …
Farmers Discuss Need for Immigration Reform
The Partnership for a New American Economy and the Agriculture Coalition for Immigration Reform released a report Tuesday entitled “No Longer Home Grown: How Labor Shortages are Increasing America’s Reliance on Imported Fresh Produce and Slowing U.S. Economic Growth.” The report part of the #iFarmImmigration campaign launched last month by the American Farm Bureau Federation and more than 70 other …
Norman Borlaug Statue Comments
The State of Iowa will install a bronze statue of Dr. Norman E. Borlaug in the U.S. Capitol on March 25, which is both National Agriculture Day and the centennial anniversary date of the Father of the Green Revolution. The statue was displayed during the World Food Prize Borlaug dialogues last October, where World Food Prize president Kenneth Quinn, also …
Ag Groups and Grassley on Japan’s TPP Offer
The 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations are drawing to a conclusion, but Japan wants to exclude a number of agricultural products as part of a final agreement. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and several agricultural organizations held a press conference today to discuss why that is unacceptable and to urge the administration to reject Japan’s offer. In addition to Sen. Grassley, …
Update on Ukraine Agriculture
The unrest in Ukraine is causing some uncertainty in the agricultural sector, according to US-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) president and CEO Morgan Williams. AgWired reporter Leah Guffey did an interview with Williams, who is currently in Kyiv, to get an update on the situation there and how it is impacting agriculture.
Open Ag Data Alliance Launched
The Climate Corporation and several agricultural stakeholders today officially launched the Open Ag Data Alliance (OADA), an open standards software project to ensure farmers have full data access, security and privacy. Making the announcement by conference call were: David Friedberg, The Climate Corporation CEO Greg Smirin, The Climate Corporation COO Jim Krogmeier, Purdue Open Ag Technology Group Aaron Ault, research …
USDA Announces Small Farmer Help
During an appearance at the National Farmers Union (NFU) convention today, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced new and expanded efforts to connect smaller farmers and ranchers with USDA resources that can “help them build stronger businesses, expand to reach new and larger markets, and grow their operations.” Vilsack held a press conference from the NFU convention following his remarks, joined …
Vilsack Discusses 2015 USDA Budget
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today hosted a media conference call to discuss President Obama’s FY15 budget for the USDA. “The President’s 2015 USDA budget proposal achieves reform and results for the American taxpayer; fosters opportunity for the men and women living, working and raising families in rural America; and supports innovation through strategic, future-focused investments,” said Vilsack. Listen to or …