DULUTH, Ga — July 17, 2008 (AgNewsWire) — In hard economic times, cutting corners can become a rule instead of an exception. As the cattle industry faces rapidly rising input costs, producers should make every dollar count. According to a recent study from Iowa State University,1 one place producers cannot afford to cut is in their parasite control program. The …
Missouri Beef Council Introduces “Speaking of Beef”
Columbia, MO (AgNewsWire) The Missouri Beef Industry Council has introduced a new industry speaker’s bureau program called “Speaking of Beef.” Executive Director John Kleiboeker says the beef check-off sponsored program features volunteer cattle producers who will be visiting local civic and business organizations to address key issues important to the beef industry and discussing how those issues impact local business …
Missouri Beef Producers Fund Research for Consumers
Columbia, MO (AgNewsWire) Finding a faster, more efficient way to detect contamination in food products is the goal of a new research project being funded by the Missouri Beef Industry Council (MBIC) through producer beef checkoff dollars. According to MBIC Executive Director John Kleiboeker, the study will focus on new technology capable of detecting both E. coli 0157:H7 and salmonella …
New Missouri Beef Industry Council Officers Elected
Columbia, MO (AgNewsWire) The Missouri Beef Industry Council (MBIC) board of directors has elected new officers for the 2008 fiscal year. James Rickman of Stockton was elected as chairman of the board which administers the $1 per head beef checkoff in Missouri. Rickman was recently re-elected to represent beef producers in Southwest Missouri to serve his second three-year term. He …
Beef Producers Urged to Vote for Representatives
Columbia, MO (AgNewsWire) All Missouri beef cattle producers are eligible to vote in elections this summer for representatives to serve on the Missouri Beef Industry Council (MBIC) board of directors. MBIC Executive Director John Kleiboeker says the elections are important for producers to choose their directors to serve on the board which administers the $1 per head beef checkoff on …
May is Beef Month in Missouri
May is Beef Month in Missouri. Representatives of both the Missouri Beef Industry Council and the Missouri Cattlemen’s Association were recently at the state capitol to receive the official proclamation from Governor Matt Blunt. Cole Camp cattleman Jimmy Long and his eight-year-old son Jack helped to present Governor Blunt with a copy of the Healthy Beef Cookbook during the proclamation. …
Mizzou BBQ Team Scores With Tiger Steak
Columbia, MO (AgNewsWire) The University of Missouri-Columbia’s Mizzou BBQ Team made a name for itself in a national cooking competition recently with “Tiger Steak.” According to team captain Greg Chase, the team was just organized in May of last year and has already been very successful. “Our first competition out of the gate in September we took first place in …
Celebrate Nutrition Month With Beef
Columbia, MO (AgNewsWire) March is National Nutrition Month and the Missouri Beef Industry Council (MBIC) is encouraging consumers to kick the fads and get back to the basics. MBIC Director of Consumer Information Alane Lidolph says the theme for National Nutrition Month this year is “100 Percent Fad-Free.” “National Nutrition Month is sponsored every March by the American Dietetic Association …
Missouri Beef Producer Relishes Role on National Level
Columbia, MO (AgNewsWire) A cattleman from Sedalia is representing Missouri on the national level on two different beef cattle organizations. David Dick, immediate past chairman of the Missouri Beef Industry Council, has been re-elected for a second term to serve on the Operating Committee for the Cattlemen’s Beef Board. The committee is made up of 20 cattle producer representatives who …
February Reminds Us to Be Sweet to Our Hearts
Columbia, MO (AgNewsWire) February often brings to mind thoughts of big, red hearts – which is why it was chosen as American Heart Month to get us thinking on heart health. And according to the Missouri Beef Industry Council (MBIC), lean red meat can play an important role in a heart-healthy diet. Alane Lidolph, MBIC Director of Consumer Information, says …
Survey Shows Continued Support for Beef Checkoff
Columbia, MO (AgNewsWire) Missouri beef industry leaders are pleased with results from a nationwide survey released last week that shows continued support for the $1 per head national Beef Checkoff. According to Missouri Beef Industry Council chairman Andrew McCrea, a cattleman from Maysville, the results are proof that most producers have positive views about the checkoff which began in 1986. …
Beef Board Web Log Provides Transparency
Holts Summit, MO – January 29, 2007 (AgNewsWire) When the Cattlemen’s Beef Board annual meeting is held at the Cattle Industry Convention in Nashville Jan. 31-Feb. 3, even producers who are unable to attend will be able to participate through the Beef Board Meeting web log (www.beefboardmeeting.com). Cattlemen’s Beef Board Chairman Jay O’Brien of Amarillo, Texas says the site was …
Super Bowl Cooking With Beef
Columbia, MO (AgNewsWire) Nothing says celebrate like beef and the Missouri Beef Industry Council (MBIC) is urging consumers to try out some new beef appetizers when they gather to watch Super Bowl LXI this year. “We like to remind people that beef owns that emotion of celebration,” said MBIC Director of Marketing Dawn Thurnau. “When you think about celebrating with …
MBIC Chairman Honored by National FFA
(Columbia, MO) – The new chairman of the Missouri Beef Industry Council (MBIC) was honored at the recent National FFA Convention as a 2006 Honorary FFA American Degree recipient. Andrew McCrea of Maysville, a former national FFA officer, was one of nine Missourians who received the award, more than any other state except Indiana. Full Release
New Leadership Team for MBIC
Columbia, MO (AgNewsWire) A cattle producer and radio broadcaster from northwest Missouri is the new chairman of the Missouri Beef Industry Council, which administers the $1 per head beef checkoff in the state. Andrew McCrea of Maysville has served on the board for five years and was elected to serve as the chairman at the October 19 board meeting in Kansas City.