28th Annual ACE Ethanol Conference

The 28th annual American Ethanol Coalition (ACE) Ethanol Conference kicked off today in Omaha, Nebraska (August 20-21) with a great crowd of ethanol supporters. The theme this year: “Quite Ingenuity. Bold Advance.” This year also marks the one year anniversary of the “Power to the People” campaign. Topics this year included E15, ethanol and dried distiller grains (DDGs) export opportunities, …

Candidates at Iowa State Fair

A majority of the presidential candidates from both parties are speaking at The Des Moines Register’s Soapbox during the Iowa State Fair. A total of 14 Republicans and four Democrats are on the soapbox schedule starting Thursday August 13 through Saturday August 22. Check the schedule from the Des Moines Register for updates. Candidate speeches will be live-streamed and archived …

Minnesota @USFRA #FoodD

It was a packed house for the USFRA Food Dialogues in Minneapolis entitled “Farm to Consumer: Bridging the Gap between Consumer Concerns and Food Production and Sourcing Decisions,” co-sponsored by the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council and the Nebraska Soybean Board. This event, held August 11, was moderated by Minnesota native and Bloomberg agriculture policy journalist, Alan Bjerga, and …

Panelists Announced for Biodiesel & Bioheat Forum

A diverse group of energy influencers is set to appear August 19 at the Biodiesel and Bioheat Forum sponsored by the Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council. Home heating oil and biodiesel leaders will discuss a biodiesel blend with significant environmental and economic benefits and the role Minnesota soybean farmers can play in meeting the demand of this market. Find …

Ethanol Celebrates Decade of RFS Success

August 8, 2015 marks the 10th anniversary of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct) containing the original Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) being signed into law by President George W. Bush. In this “Ethanol Report” interview, Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen recounts the success of the RFS over the past decade and how it has changed energy, …

Clean Power Plan: What the People Say

Americans United for Change (AUFC) held a press conference this morning to release poll results from 8 battleground states showing voter concern about climate change and strong support for the Clean Power Plan. States surveyed included: Virginia, Florida, Ohio, New Hampshire, Colorado, Nevada, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. Climate advocates will also call on Republican Attorney Generals preparing to sue the EPA …

Ethanol at 75th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

Over one million bikers were estimated to attend the 75th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota August 3-9, 2015 and a good percentage of them stayed at the legendary Buffalo Chip Campground just outside the Sturgis city limits, which is celebrating its 34th year this year. To help bikers staying at The Chip ride more and spend less, the …

Dairy Holds Up TPP Talks

After a week of meetings on the Trans Pacific Partnership, trade ministers from a dozen nations left Hawaii last weekend with issues still unresolved but USTR Michael Froman says they remain optimistic. One of the biggest remaining issues to resolve is in dairy, according to New Zealand’s Trade Minister Tim Groser. “In every negotiation where I have been involved over …

2015 InfoAg Conference

The 2015 InfoAg celebrated 20 years for the premier precision agriculture conference. The event was held for the second year at Union Station in St. Louis July 28-30 and featured five tracks of concurrent sessions with two tracks repeating to allow attendees to hear more of the presentations while offering a wide variety of topics. 2015 InfoAg Conference Photo Album …

2015 Ag Media Summit

The 17th annual Ag Media Summit was held July 25-29 in Scottsdale, AZ. Ag Media Summit is a joint meeting of the American Agricultural Editors’ Association, the Livestock Publications Council and the American Business Media Agri-Council. The event includes annual awards honoring the industry’s best talent and the InfoExpo featuring agribusiness companies and organizations. 2015 Ag Media Summit Photo Album …

Ethanol to Help Fuel 75th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) will once again partner with the Buffalo Chip Campground at the 75th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, which will be held Aug. 3-9 in Sturgis, South Dakota. More than 1.5 million motorcycle enthusiasts are expected to attend the event this year for the big anniversary and in this edition of the Ethanol Report, RFA Vice President …

Comment Deadline for RFS Proposal is Monday

The deadline for submitting comments to the Environmental Protection Agency on the proposed Renewable Fuel Standards for 2014, 2015, and 2016 is Monday, July 27. Here are comments from EPA, National Corn Growers Association (NCGA), and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) encouraging stakeholders to submit comments on the proposal. Comment Deadline for RFS Proposal is Monday – Comments can be …

2015 Southern Peanut Growers Conference

The location is new this year but the 17th annual Southern Peanut Growers Conference has the same great line up of information and entertainment for peanut farmers and industry partners from Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Mississippi. For the first time in 17 years, Georgia is the host state for the event that has always been held in Panama City Beach, …

New Holland Media Days

New Holland just conducted their 2015 Media Days. A group of agricultural journalists spent two days in Pennsylvania at the North American Headquarters learning about the history of the company which is celebrating 120 years and got a look behind the scenes into the engineering department and how virtual reality plays a role in product development. They also got in …

Iowa Bird Flu Update

State and federal officials in Iowa say all sites hit by highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Iowa have been depopulated and clean-up is well underway. The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and U.S. Department of Agriculture said depopulation has been completed at all 77 premises, with 34 million birds affected. According to USDA, disposal has been completed …