Eco Agro Resources is proud to announce the appointment of Luciano Lucero as the regional manager of South America. Luciano’s hiring is consistent with Eco Agro Resources’ overall strategy to support local markets and to provide greater value to customers. Luciano’s ability to introduce the South American market to innovative urease inhibitor N-Yield and to the developing product line is …
John Deere Flex Fuel Commercial Mower
John Deere has introduced a brand new riding mower that can run on up to 85% percent ethanol blended fuel. The mower is a new Flex Fuel model of John Deere’s popular line of ZTrak mowers. The new, industry exclusive, Z925M Flex Fuel gives landscape contractors and customers with large acreage to mow a new alternative fuel option for their …
Rep. Vicky Hartzler on Farm Bill and Budget
Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO) is a member of both the House Agriculture Committee and the House Committee on the Budget, plus she’s a farmer, so her perspective on what’s happening right now to try and get a farm bill passed is important to hear. In this interview, Hartzler discusses her frustration at seeing the House vote down the farm bill, …
Senate Hearing on Smithfield Acquisition
The Senate Agriculture Committee on Wednesday, July 10, took a look at the proposed acquisition of Smithfield Foods by Chinese company Shuanghui International. Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) says the sale raises many questions about issues such as food safety, protection of intellectual property, and increased foreign ownership of the U.S. food supply. Smithfield Foods President and CEO C. Larry …
2013 CTIC Conservation in Action Tour
The 2013 Conservation In Action Tour was held July 9-10 in the Indian Creek Watershed in Livingston County, Ill. The event featured tours of farming operations and presentations from farmers, conservation partners, crop consultants, government agency representatives and others. Links on this page include the event photo album, stories posted on websites, and audio files. 2013 Conservation in Action Tour …
Rep. Lucas on Farm Bill Split
Momentum seems to be building for a vote in the House on a farm only farm bill – but only if the votes are there. During a town hall meeting in Oklahoma over the July 4th recess, House Ag Committee Chairman Frank Lucas indicated that he expected leadership to split the bill but he would rather not see that happen. …
RFA Comments on Proposed Tier 3 Rule
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) submitted comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) last week regarding the proposed rule on Tier 3 Motor Vehicle Emission and Fuel Standards. Kelly Davis, RFA Director of Regulatory Affairs, explains the more technical details of RFA’s comments on the proposed rule in this interview:
Energy Independence and the RFS
Renewable Fuels Association Vice President of Research and Analysis Geoff Cooper talks about how the RFS is helping to reduce imports of foreign oil, grow the economy with American jobs and keep the red, white and blue flying over a greener nation.
GROWMARK Sees Demand for New Grain Dryers
Almost a year ago, GROWMARK’s Total Grain Marketing (TGM) location at Neoga, Illinois completed installation of a groundbreaking mixed airflow grain dryer. with the help of Chief Industries, United Kingdom. Now, GROWMARK Commercial Grain Systems Project Manager Paul Brooks says they are working on constructing another one in Kearney, Nebraska where it will be used for drying organic grains such …
Commentary on USDA Acreage Report
Despite the challenging planting conditions this spring USDA is saying that farmers have planted the most corn and soybean acres ever, according to Friday’s Acreage report. Considering what the spring has been like, the numbers are being met with some skepticism by market watchers in particular. “It’s a shockingly big number and it will be questioned,” said Jack Scoville of …
NCGA Testimony on Trade Negotiations
During a House Committee on Small Business hearing this week in Washington, National Corn Growers Association President Pam Johnson provided policy recommendations for the U.S. Trade Representative on growing export opportunities, particularly the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Listen to or download Pam’s testimony and answers to questions from lawmakers:
Chambliss on Immigration Bill Ag Amendments
As the Senate prepares to vote on comprehensive immigration reform today, Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) took to the floor Wednesday evening to detail some of his concerns about the farm worker provisions in the bill and amendments that he wanted to see added. Chambliss spent time detailing the amendments he would like to offer that would fix some of the …
House Subcommittee RFS Hearing
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power held a hearing Wednesday on the
New Consumer Opinion Poll on Gas & Renewable Fuel
Summer driving season is in full swing and with it comes grumbling over fluctuating gas prices. A new poll commissioned by Fuels America asked consumers their thoughts on gas prices and renewable fuels. The survey, conducted by Research Now, identifies specific budget items families give up when they are faced with high gas prices, and their attitudes around oil, renewable …
New Effort to Repeal Death Tax
On June 19, Senator John Thune (R-SD) and Representative Kevin Brady (R-TX) re-introduced legislation to permanently repeal the federal estate tax, better known as the death tax. The video of last week’s press conference is below and here is a partial audio file with the opening statements of the members of Congress – Thune, Brady, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Rep. …