(WOBURN, Mass.) Yield10 Bioscience, Inc., an agricultural bioscience company, today announced its 2023 enrollment program for contract production of Camelina. Yield10 is offering contracts for both spring and winter varieties of Camelina to farmers located in Western Canada (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba), and Northern U.S. (Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho and Minnesota). Yield10 is offering growers offtake production contracts …
Innovar Ag Expands InnoSolve PKMe Globally
Broad Spectrum Proven Efficiency Product (Bradenton, Florida) Innovar Ag today announced InnoSolve PKMe, a recently introduced cost-effective, broad-spectrum efficiency product for Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potash and Micronutrients, is set to expand global supply due to excellent results and additional manufacturing capability at its Illinois based production location. This expansion will allow Fertilizer Manufacturers, Distributors, Dealers and Farmers to provide a proven …
CIRB 59th Annual Meeting
The Crop Insurance and Reinsurance Bureau 2023 Annual Meeting is being held February 8-10 in Bonita Springs, Florida. With the theme of “It Starts With Us,” CIRB’s 59th annual meeting features distinguished speakers and opportunities to interact with crop insurance and reinsurance industry leaders. This virtual ag newsroom includes links to photos and audio content available free of charge for …
Yield10 Bioscience Hires Davis McCarthy as Manager, Sales and Logistics
WOBURN, Mass. – Yield10 Bioscience, Inc. (“Yield10” or the “Company”), an agricultural bioscience company, today announced the hiring of Davis McCarthy, Pag, to serve as a Manager, Sales and Logistics with the Company. In this position, he will engage with growers to sign Camelina production contracts, and support grain off-take logistics and commercial contract seed production. Mr. McCarthy was previously …
ZimmCast 505 – Riding with Can-Am
Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. I’m Chuck Zimmerman. In the middle of the winter meetings I’m going to take a break to share a conversation with JJ Rivet, Can-Am. Can-Am provided the members of the Crystal Pig Hunt Club aHD-10 Unlimited model to try out during the early part of the deer hunting season in Georgia, which was very …
New Leadership Team of Ag Industry Experts Announced
Hires signal the company’s focus on growth through innovation JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – HGS BioScience™ announces an impressive list of new hires to fulfill its aggressive growth plans. It follows the recent naming of Michael Steffeck as chief executive officer. HGS BioScience™, formerly Humic Growth Solutions, is a leading producer of humic & fulvic acids and has perfected a dry delivery …
Azotic Technologies Granted New Patent for Canada
(Guelph, Canada) Azotic Technologies (Azotic), the maker of market-leading, nitrogen-fixing product, Envita®, today announced that it has received a new Canadian patent, granted on January 3rd. This patent offers broad protection on Azotic’s formulation and methods of application, not only for Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus (Gd) but all nitrogen-fixing bacteria under select conditions. “We are encouraged by the momentum of our company’s …
BellaTrove Companion® Maxx ST biological fungicide available for corn, soybeans and multiple other crops Indianapolis, IN − To meet demand for sustainable crop protection, DPH Biologicals launched today a multi-action biofungicide seed treatment, BellaTrove™ Companion Maxx ST, that helps seedlings fight pathogens and ensures healthy root systems. BellaTrove Companion Maxx ST is derived from DPH Biologicals’ proprietary strain of a …
Regev and Timorex ACT Labels Expanded to Stone and Pome Fruits
Summit Agro announced today that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved expansion of the use of Regev and Timorex ACT fungicides to both stone and pome fruit production. This action by the EPA gives growers two new tools to use in their fruit orchards to battle fungal and bacterial disease. Both these fungicides benefit from the activity of Tea …
Ethanol Report Preview of NEC
The 2023 National Ethanol Conference is coming up in less than a month now and there are so many reasons to attend February 28 – March 2 in Orlando. In this episode of the Ethanol Report, we hear from four Renewable Fuels Association staff members about some of the panels and issues that will be explored at the NEC. Jared …
Time to Get Jazzed for #CattleCon23
New Orleans is where thousands of cattle producers from around the country are gathering to attend the 125th 2023 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show February 1-3, preceded by the 30th annual Cattlemen’s College starting on January 31. The theme of the convention is Get Jazzed, and the Opening General Session will include a fireside chat about ranch life …
BHN Announces Leadership Expansion to Pave Way for Growth
(Gilbert, AZ) Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN), a leading miner and manufacturer of raw humates (humic and fulvic acids) as well as creator of soil amendments and crop nutrients based on humic technologies, has announced structural changes and expansion of its core leadership team to better align with the company’s continued growth and strategic goals. The BHN Research and Development …
Truterra Launches Sustainability Services to Help Farmers Plan, Make and Maintain Regenerative Practice Changes, Including Unlocking Potential Value through New Market Opportunities
As part of sustainability services, Truterra’s 2023 carbon program is now open for enrollment Early results indicate Truterra’s 2022 carbon program will result in more than $4.5 million in payments to participating farmers for nearly 237,000 tonnes of carbon stored in soils Arden Hills, Minn. (January 24, 2023) — Truterra, LLC, the sustainability business of Land O’Lakes, Inc., one of …
Clean Fuels Conference United as One
“United as One” is the theme of the inaugural Clean Fuels Conference, January 23-26, 2023 in Tampa, Florida where the role of biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel in the national commitment to decarbonization take center stage. Formerly the National Biodiesel Conference & Expo, the event’s rebranding reflects the founding organization’s name change last year from the National Biodiesel …
ZimmCast 704 – From Beltwide to VISION
Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. I’m Chuck Zimmerman. I’m a little behind on this latest episode. The holidays and early conferences have kept Cindy and I very busy. This includes traveling to see family and that includes a beautiful wedding for one of our nieces. We are very blessed to be able to see so many of our family …