The Truth About Trade and Technology (TATT) 2013 Global Farmer Roundtable was held in conjunction with the 2013 World Food Prize (WFP) Borlaug Dialogues in Des Moines the week of October 14, 2013. Thousands of agriculture and food industry representatives from around the world attend the events surrounding World Food Prize each year with the common goal of feeding a …
O.H. Kruse Customer Appreciation Event
The O.H. Kruse Grain & Milling company holds its 2013 Grand Opportunities customer appreciation event at the International Agri-Center in Tulare, CA. This post will be updated over the next couple days with more photos and interviews you may use in your broadcasts, websites and publications. Photos of the event: 2013 O.H. Kruse Photo Album Audio:
John Deere API Integrator Conference
This week John Deere held its API Integrator Conference in Des Moines, IA at the World Food Prize building. During the conference the company announced a new web portal for application and software developers who become partners at They also announced the MyJohnDeere Data API. Here are interviews with John Deere representatives and partner companies that attended the event. …
How Shutdown is Impacting Ethanol Industry
The nation’s capitol is “so quiet you can hear a pin drop” but the American Petroleum Institute (API) is still working to beat the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), and the government shutdown means E15 retailers are unable to get approval. This edition of “The Ethanol Report” features an interview with Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen on various …
Monsanto Presser on The Climate Corporation Agreement
Monsanto Companyhas signed an agreement to acquire The Climate Corporation for a cash purchase price of approximately $930 million. Link to Monsanto press release. Monsanto’s executive vice president of global strategy Kerry Preete and David Friedberg, chief executive officer of The Climate Corporation, held a conference call to make the announcement.
BASF Global Press Conference
BASF Crop Protection held a global press conference in Germany September 30 – October 2, 2013 for nearly 100 agricultural journalists from ten countries, including a group of ten from the United States. The theme of the event was “Integrated Solutions for Agriculture” and in addition to the press conference, the U.S. group visited the BASF wine cellar and a …
New Holland American Ethanol Producers Club Event
Nearly 200 area farmers attended a New Holland American Ethanol Producers Club event Wednesday at Absolute Energy, an ethanol biorefinery located near Lyle, Minnesota. The event, which was the 12th held at ethanol plants around the country this year, was designed to introduce producers who provide corn for the plant to the partnership between New Holland, Growth Energy and American …
Interview with Growth Energy Economist
Growth Energy Vice President and Chief Economist Jim Miller has served many roles in his career, from leadership positions with the National Farmers Union and National Association of Wheat Growers to Senior Policy Advisor on the Budget Committee under Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) and USDA Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agriculture Services, so he’s had his share of farm …
House Passes Nutrition Bill
By a vote of 217-210, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity Act on Thursday. Passage of the legislation finally completes the House work on a farm bill and will allow for a House-Senate conference committee to go to work. The bill was passed largely along party lines with all Democrats voting against and nearly …
NAMA Fall Conference
The annual fall conference for the National Agri-Marketing Association was held in St. Louis September 17-18 with theme of “Engage, Energize, Empower.” Photos and audio from the event are posted here. 2013 NAMA Fall Conference Photo Album 2013 NAMA Fall Conference Coach Billick on Elements for Success Students at NAMA Fall Conference 2013 NAMA Professional Development Awards Marketing Communications – …
Poll: 8 in 10 Want E15 At Pump
Fuels America released a poll today that gauged consumer opinions of E15, a 15% ethanol, 85% gasoline fuel blend currently sold in nine states in the U.S. The poll comes on the heels of E15’s re-entrance into the American fuel market earlier this week. E15 was approved for use in vehicles 2001 or later nearly 14 months ago and today …
Monsanto “Follow-A-Field” Initiative Interview
Monsanto is encouraging farmers to “Follow-A-Field” in order to learn more about the next innovation in soybean and cotton weed control. The Follow-A-Field initiative from Monsanto is an interactive experience featured on that follows three farmers as they take their Roundup Ready 2 Xtend™ soybean fields from burndown through harvest as part of the Monsanto Ground Breakers® Field Trials …
MGEX September USDA Crop Call
USDA issued its September Crop Production forecast on Thursday, calling for a slight increase in corn production, a three percent decrease in the soybean crop and another one percent drop in cotton production. During the Minneapolis Grain Exchange conference call on the report, Louise Gartner of Spectrum Commodities, commented on both the new production forecast and the new WASDE report.
New Holland & Fisher House in True Blue Salute
This week, we reflected on the 12th anniversary of the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks on New York, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania. To honor the sacrifices our veterans and active military and their families have and continue to make, New Holland has partnered with Fisher House, a charity that gives military family members shelter and support during a medical crisis at …
RFA Comments on Corn Crop and E15
Renewable Fuels Association Vice President of Research and Development Geoff Cooper on several timely topics, including corn and ethanol production this year, cellulosic ethanol, the importance of the RFS, and sales of E15 ramping up again as summer volatility requirements end. Cooper talks about how despite a slow maturing crop and adverse weather conditions, USDA is still calling for a …