Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, William S. Wallace, General, U.S. Army (Retired), James A. “Jamie” Barnett, Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (Retired) and School Food Service Director Donna Martin of Burke County, Ga. participated in a media call today to “discuss efforts by some Members of Congress and special interest groups to undermine childhood nutrition standards and the effect that would have …
ABM Joins Forces With INCOTEC
Advanced Biological Marketing (ABM) based in Van Wert, Ohio, USA and INCOTEC Group B.V. (INCOTEC), based in Enkhuizen, The Netherlands today announce that they have come to an agreement in which INCOTEC will combine ABM’s yield enhancing inoculants with INCOTEC’s innovative seed coating and enhancement technologies. INCOTEC will have marketing rights to the seed industry of ABM products in the …
30th Annual Alltech International Symposium
The theme of the 30th Annual Alltech International Symposium highlights was “What If”? Here are some of the highlights. 2014 Alltech Symposium Photo Album Alltech Medal of Excellence to Dr. Norman Borlaug The Alltech Humanitarian Award was presented to Lopez Lomong Alltech Press Conference Q&A: Lopez Lomong Dr. Pearse Lyons Dr. Mark Lyons Alltech Precision Agriculture Philosophy and Vision – …
USDA Ag Trade Mission to China
USDA just concluded a trade mission to China promoting U.S. biofuels and agricultural products. Kelly Davis with Renewable Fuels Association, Jim Miller of Growth Energy and Roger Johnson president of National Farmer’s Union all participated in the trade mission and held a press conference today to discuss the results. Opening comments:
WRRDA Conference Committee Member Interview
The Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) conference report was released by House and Senate negotiators on Thursday. The legislation is designed to “strengthen the nation’s transportation network, keep America competitive in the global marketplace, and reform and streamline the way we move forward with improvements to our ports, locks, dams, and other water resources infrastructure.” Conference committee member …
Ethanol Rail Safety
In the last few weeks there have been two derailments of trains carrying crude oil, one in Virginia and one in Colorado, the latest in a string of rail accidents over the past year from Canada to Alabama. While crude oil has been the common denominator in these accidents, ethanol has been caught in the cross fire despite its nearly …
MapShots Adds DTN/Progressive Farmer to AgStudio
MapShots, Inc., a developer and provider of industry leading software for agricultural data management, has announced an agreement with DTN/The Progressive Farmer that will bring historical and daily weather information to AgStudio users. This will give growers additional information needed to make important operational decisions. AgStudio users will be able to utilize the data interpolation from a large network of …
Missouri Senator and Farm Bureau President
Missouri State University’s Collegiate Farm Bureau hosted its Ag Forum on May 10 to discuss hot topic agriculture issues. This year’s panel included Senator Roy Blunt and Missouri Farm Bureau President Blake Hurst.
Senators Speak of Biodiesel Uncertainty
U.S. Senators including Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Al Franken (D-MN), Joe Donnelly (D-IN), and Maria Cantwell (D-WA) joined the National Biodiesel Board on Wednesday to release the results of a national survey highlighting uncertainty in the biodiesel industry as a result of policy setbacks in Washington this year. The senators called on the Administration to …
2014 Animal Ag Alliance Summit
The 13th annual Animal Agriculture Alliance Stakeholders Summit was held May 8-9, 2014 in Crystal City, Virginia with the theme “Cracking the Millennial Code.” Program highlights included panels on sustainability, antibiotics, farm size, and animal care, as well as expert advice from chefs, restaurants, retailers and trade media on food issues and trends. 2014 AAA Stakeholders Summit Photo Album College …
Deepwater Wind Announces Right Whale Protection
This morning the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF), Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), National Wildlife Federation (NWF) and Deepwater Wind held a media teleconference to announce an agreement to implement additional protections for marine mammals, including the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale. Speakers included: Tricia K. Jedele, RI Advocacy Center Director, Conservation Law Foundation Jeffrey Grybowski, CEO, Deepwater Wind Michael Jasny, …
Officials Discuss RFS with Farm Broadcasters
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and EPA administrator Gina McCarthy both talked about the proposal to lower volume requirements under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) with members of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting meeting in Washington DC this week.
Roboflight Interview
RoboFlight is a global company that deals in data acquisition including UAV platforms as well as full scale aircraft and satellite systems. Beyond the agricultural industry, RoboFlight also works in security, search and rescue, utilities, mining and insurance. Chuck interviewed Phil Ellerbroek, Global Director of Sales for RoboFlight, and he shared more about the company. RoboFlight acquired Aerial Precision Ag, …
Call to Reform Immigration for Farm Workers
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack joined President of the United Farm Workers Arturo Rodriguez and President of Nisei Farmers League Manuel Cunha today on a conference call to discuss the importance of commonsense immigration reform for California’s agriculture economy and rural communities. There are over 81,033 farms in California that sell approximately $33.9 billion in agricultural products. Immigration reform would provide …
2012 Census of Agriculture Report
USDA released the majority of data collected for the 2012 Census of Agriculture on Friday. The data was released at noon via webcast. There are now 3.2 million farmers operating 2.1 million farms on 914.5 million acres of farmland across the United States, according to the 2012 Census of Agriculture, released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The agriculture …