EDGE Dairy Cooperative has been focusing on engaging more actively for its members at the federal level, according to Mike Torrey with Torrey Associates. Torrey said the cooperative has put together an effective effort in the nation’s capitol through fly in events, testimonies and social media campaigns to speak for America’s dairy farmers on issues such as the farm bill …
ZimmCast 600 – John Deere at World Dairy Expo
The ZimmCast hits another milestone today with episode number 600! In this week’s program we’ll hear several John Deere representatives talk about the company’s newest forage harvester, the self-propelled 9,000 Series, launched at World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin. You will hear from John Thomassen, Global Director – Hay & Forage Harvest; Dan Paschke, Director of Marketing – Hay & …
Deere at 2018 World Dairy Expo
John Deere showcased its new 9000 Series Self-Propelled Forage Harvesters (SPFH) at the 2018 World Dairy Expo last week in Madison, Wisconsin. The high-capacity forage harvesters announced in August provide up to 400 tons of throughput per hour, along with optimum corn silage processing that’s independent of the length of cut. This virtual ag newsroom includes links to photos and …
2017 World Dairy Expo
“Discovering New Dairy Worlds” was the theme for World Dairy Expo 2017 in Madison, Wisconsin October 3-7. World Dairy Expo serves as a forum for dairy producers, companies, organizations and other dairy enthusiasts to come together to compete, and to exchange ideas, knowledge, technology, and commerce. This virtual ag newsroom is sponsored by Alltech and Hubbard Feeds and includes links …
Wisconsin Ag Secy Featured in AnimalAgCast
This week’s AnimalAgCast comes from the 2016 World Dairy Expo, which celebrated its 50th anniversary last week in Madison, Wisconsin. Ben Brancel, Wisconsin Secretary of Agriculture, sat down with AgWired’s Lizzy Schultz to discuss several current issues facing Wisconsin’s diverse agriculture industry. In this week’s podcast Secretary Brancel highlighted dairy prices, which remain low worldwide, the impact recent flooding has …
#Celebrate50 Theme of World Dairy Expo
The 2016 World Dairy Expo (WDE) in Madison, WI is celebrating it’s 50th Anniversary. The concept of bringing a cattle show together with a dairy industry expo was once simply a dream; today it is a legacy. The event is known to bring over 70,000 visitors each year with nearly 3,000 international guests representing over 90 different countries. Those attendees …
2015 World Dairy Expo
The 2015 World Dairy Expo, held September 29 through October 3rd, has an attendance of over 75,000, including over 3,000 international attendees from 94 countries. The expo’s dairy show exhibits over 2000 head of seven different breeds of cattle, hailing from 37 states, 11 provinces in Canada, and Mexico. It is also the largest dairy trade show in the world, …
2014 Word Dairy Expo
Over 3,000 head of dairy cattle were pre-entered for this year’s World Dairy Expo. No official count on the total of head actually exhibited, but the New Holland Pavilions are packed full of dairy cattle of all ages. The dairy cattle exhibitors were loving them and they were definitely the story for this year’s expo. Find all photos from the …
New Holland Pavilions at World Dairy Expo
As the 2014 World Dairy Expo got underway in Madison, Wisconsin, state and county officials joined New Holland executives and other industry partners in a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially celebrate the grand opening of the New Holland Livestock Pavilions at the Alliant Energy Center, which hosts the World Dairy Expo. Find all photos from the event here: 2014 New Holland …