LUCI Brings Food Value Chain Consensus

A new multi-stakeholder Land Use Change Initiative (LUCI) is leading efforts to unite the food value chain in developing definitions, metrics and methodologies for quantifying land use change. The initiative is funded by the United Soybean Board (USB) in partnership with Carbon A List, and USB Board Chair Steve Reinhard, an Ohio farmer who presented keynote remarks at a recent …

New Soy Based Motor Oil Now Available

Biosynthetic Technologies’ high-performing biobased synthetic motor oil, using high oleic soybean oil from soybeans grown by U.S. farmers, is now on commercial shelves, thanks to a partnership with the United Soybean Board (USB). Both USB and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have supported the soy-based, drop-in synthetic alternative to petroleum-based motor oil. The biobased alternative is well-suited for high-temperature automotive …

#Biobased2016 Helps Build Demand for #Soybeans

The United Soybean Board held its 2016 Biobased Stakeholders’ Dialogue July 7 at USDA headquarters in Washington DC. The event featured the debut of a new soy biobased video and an address by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, as well as displays of biobased products, speakers who shared their success stories and information on USDA’s BioPreferred® Program. Because of the potential …

USB Call for Growers for See For Yourself Program

The United Soybean Board (USB) invites soybean farmers with a desire to take a look at their customers beyond the elevator and to learn more about the soy checkoff’s role in marketing U.S. soy, to take part in their See for Yourself program. Tina Holst, Chilston, Wisconsin soybean farmer, took advantage of this opportunity last year and Jamie Johansen caught …

Common Ground Grows Food Dialogues

The national Common Ground conference took place in Washington D.C. last weekend. The event, sponsored by the United Soybean Board and the National Corn Growers Association, was created to help farm women learn how to better communicate with urban women about the safety and security of their food. “The ideas is that women are the primary grocery shoppers in the …

United Soybean Board Conference Call

The United Soybean Board is holding it’s board meeting in St. Louis, MO and held a press conference call this morning. You can listen in below if you’d like. Kicking off the call was Jared Hagert, new Chairman of USB. He was joined by several other officers. They all answered questions posed by ag media representatives. The USB Strategic Plan …

Global Soybean Stakeholders Discuss Biotech

Representatives from U.S. soybean-farmer-led organizations held a telephone press conference Thursday from China where they will be joining their counterparts from several other countries to discuss the biotech-approval process there. United Soybean Board (USB) chairman Bob Haselwood of Kansas, the American Soybean Association (ASA) president Wade Cowan of Texas, and the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) chair Laura Foell of …

USB Soy Biobased Products Dialogue

The United Soybean Board held the 2014 Biobased Products Stakeholders Dialogue June 17-18 at George Washington University in Washington, DC with the theme of “Innovation and Agriculture Grow Together” 2014 USB Soy Biobased Dialogue Photo Album Past and Present USDA Deputies at USB Event – Soy Biobased About Customer Focus – Millennial Views of Biobased and Sustainability – Elevance Exemplifies …

United Soybean Board Conference Call

This morning the United Soybean Board held a conference call with media to introduce new officers and answer questions. An audio file of the recording is available below. USB ADDS 70th DIRECTOR, ELECTS NEW CHAIRMAN AT ANNUAL MEETING The year 2014 will be a historic one for the United Soybean Board (USB) as it expands to a 70-member board of …