Industry Reacts to Proposed Biofuels Levels

New proposed levels for biofuels under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) were released Wednesday by the Environmental Protection Agency. The 2018 RFS level for conventional biofuels, including corn ethanol, was maintained at 15 billion gallons, the maximum under current law, which Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen says will benefit both producers and consumers. In this interview, Dinneen …

2017 Fuel Ethanol Workshop

The Fuel Ethanol Workshop and Expo, produced by BBI International, is the largest, longest-running ethanol conference in the world featuring timely presentations and a full trade show of industry companies and organizations. The 33rd annual meeting was held June 19-21 in Minneapolis, MN. This virtual newsroom includes links to photos, audio, and video from the conference. All content posted here …

Numbers Tell Story of RFS Success

Twelve years since the original Renewable Fuel Standard was passed in 2005 and 10 years after it was expanded in 2007, the numbers tell an objective story of how successful the legislation has been in a new analysis by the Renewable Fuels Association. “RFS Impacts: By the Numbers” compares data from 2005 and 2007 to 2016. RFA Senior Vice President …

Ethanol Price Reporting Contest

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is launching an “Ethanol Days of Summer Contest”, allowing both retailers and consumers to report the price posted for E85 and other ethanol blends. To enter, consumers must have a registered account on, where they can submit pricing for a chance to win, or on the mobile app. The website, acquired by RFA in …

Ethanol Report on Trade Issues and Trump Administration

This week on The Ethanol Report, we get a Washington update from Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen, focusing on recent trade developments and the Trump Administration. Dinneen comments on President Trump’s first 100 days, the potential for Brazil to reinstate a 20% tariff on U.S. ethanol, how Terry Branstad could help the ethanol industry trade situation with …

Brazil Holds Off On US Ethanol Tariffs

Brazil’s Chamber of Foreign Trade (CAMEX) has postponed a decision on whether to reinstate tariffs on U.S. ethanol until next month. Brazilian sugarcane and ethanol producer associations had proposed reinstating the ethanol import tariffs following a recent surge in shipments coming in from the United States. Brazil was the top destination for U.S. ethanol in March, according to RFA, with …

2017 Crappie Masters Grenada Tournament

Welcome to the virtual newsroom for the 2017 Crappie Masters tournament trail sponsored by The Renewable Fuels Association, American Ethanol, and Bass Pro Shops. It’s the Grenada Lake National Qualifier Mississippi State Championship. During the event, Chuck talked with several teams about their use and experience with E10 gas in their boat engines. This virtual newsroom includes links to photos, …

2017 #RFANEC National Ethanol Conference

Welcome to the virtual newsroom for the National Ethanol Conference (NEC) sponsored by the Renewable Fuels Association. “Building Partnerships, Growing Markets” is the theme for the 22nd annual event held February 20-22 in San Diego, California. The NEC provides an exclusive opportunity to engage key decision makers and industry executives, while networking and learning about the latest technologies and government …

#Ethanol Report on Export Picture

Ethanol exports are in the news this week. First we heard about record net ethanol exports for 2016 in a new report from the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA), followed quickly by an industry letter to President Trump drawing attention to China’s trade barriers that are shutting out U.S. exports of ethanol and distillers feed co-products. In this Ethanol Report, RFA …

RFA CEO at Iowa RFA Summit

The president of the Renewable Fuels Association took a line from the new president of the United States at the 2017 Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit Tuesday, encouraging the industry to “make ethanol great again.” Ever the optimist, Dinneen is enthusiastic about the future of ethanol with the new presidential administration. “You have a president who supports the RFS,” he said. …

Crappie Masters Helping Educate Boaters about Ethanol

The 2017 Crappie Masters Tournament Trail gets underway today in Florida with ethanol joining Bass Pro Shops as a new co-title sponsor. The first of 19 tournaments is being held Jan. 27–28 at St. Johns River. Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) Vice President of Industry Relations Robert White says the purpose of the sponsorship is an effort to educate boaters, conservation …

2017 Could Be Big Year for #Ethanol

Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen always has an optimistic outlook when it comes to the ethanol industry, despite the challenges it continues to face, but the outlook seems especially rosy this new year. Dinneen believes 2017 might be the year that we “finally realize the full potential of the RFS” and he is looking forward to working …

2016 was a “Terrific Year” for Ethanol

With the presidential campaign getting all the attention this year, it may have gone relatively unnoticed that 2016 was a very good year for the ethanol industry. Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen talks about it in this Ethanol Report. ————— 2016 has been a great year for the ethanol industry, according to Renewable Fuels Association president and …

#Ethanol RFA Reaction to Cabinet Picks

Some ethanol interests may be getting a little nervous about the oil industry ties of several Trump administration cabinet selections, including Texas Governor Rick Perry for energy secretary, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt for EPA administrator and ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen says all that really matters is who …

RFA Comments on #EPA 2017 RVO #Ethanol Increase

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is thanking the EPA for its commitment to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) by increasing renewable volumes across the board for 2017. This includes raising the conventional biofuel category back to where the statute intended – 15 billion gallons per year from 14.8 billion gallons as proposed in May of 2016. In response, RFA President …