Perdue Discusses State of Rural Economy

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue briefed members of the House Agriculture Committee Tuesday on the current state of the rural economy and USDA’s farm bill priorities. Secretary Perdue was asked about a number of issues impacting different areas of the nation, including sorghum, nutrition programs, dairy, specialty crops, trade, FMD vaccine, getting undersecretaries approved by Congress, labor and immigration, broadband access, …

Senators Speak Out to Approve Northey Nomination

After nearly four months of having the nomination of Iowa’s Bill Northey to the U.S. Department of Agriculture held up by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) brought it up on the Senate floor Wednesday and called on other colleagues to back him up. Northey was nominated to be USDA Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation in …

National Thanksgiving Turkey Presented to POTUS

National Turkey Federation Chairman Carl Wittenburg presented the National Thanksgiving Turkey named “Drumstick” to President Trump. The turkeys were raised with the involvement of 4-H members from Douglas County, Minnesota: Kodi Bundermann, Kayla Egenes, Katie Kent, Christina Kuismi, and Kerryn Lund under the supervision of the Wittenburgs. The names for the birds were suggested by school children through the Minnesota …

Trump Commits to Agriculture in Iowa

President Donald Trump stood among various models of John Deere and Case IH farm equipment as he pledged to boost agriculture exports, loosen federal regulations on the agriculture industry, and support ethanol and biofuels yesterday while speaking to a crowd of about 250 at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Listen to the full speech here: President Trump at …

ASTA Annual Convention to Focus on Policy

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) Annual Convention June 21-24 in Minneapolis will focus on science and policy issues related to the development and free movement of quality seed worldwide, according to ASTA president and CEO Andy LaVigne. Special sessions and tours planned for the week include an Opening General Session panel on consumer food trends and a tour of …

Agriculture Secretary Nominee Hearing

The Senate Agriculture Committee held a confirmation hearing March 23 for former Georgia Governor Ervin “Sonny” Perdue III who has been nominated by President Trump to serve as Secretary of Agriculture. During the hearing, Perdue outlined his four overall goals as agriculture secretary – to maximize opportunity of agriculture to create jobs, prioritize customer service every day, ensure a safe …

Trump Assures Iowa Gov About EPA Pick

Some ethanol interests are understandably a little concerned about President-elect Donald Trump’s selection of Oklahoma AG Scott Pruitt as head of the EPA, considering his previous opposition to the Renewable Fuel Standard. Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, who has accepted the position as Trump’s ambassador to China, got his assurances about Pruitt from the president-elect himself. During his weekly press conference …

Reason for Reform Campaign Launch

Earlier this week, a coalition of Wisconsin business and community leaders came together in Madison for the launch of the “Reason for Reform” campaign, highlighting the need for immigration reform and presenting data about the significant contributions immigrants make to the state’s economy. The event was hosted by the Partnership for a New American Economy (NAE) and the Latino Chamber …

Ethanol Key Issue in 2016 Iowa Caucuses

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) won the Republican ticket in Iowa last night with Donald Trump coming in second despite Cruz’s ambiguity on ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). However, ethanol has gained a significant amount of positive ground according to a press conference held by Growth Energy. On the call: Tom Buis, Co-Chair of Growth Energy Monte Shaw, Executive …

GOP Debate Spotlights Cruz’s Views on #Ethanol

With the Iowa caucuses coming up on Monday, agriculture and renewable fuels finally got some attention in the Republican debate last night, as Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas was asked about his position on the Renewable Fuel Standard. “We should be developing oil and gas and coal and nuclear and wind and solar and ethanol and biofuels but I don’t …

Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit 2016

The 10th Annual Iowa Renewable Fuels Summit took place January 19 in Altoona, Iowa with record crowds. The day was kicked off by USDA Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack. Other notable speakers included Joe Jobe, CEO of the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) who gave the keynote as well as Iowa Governor Terry Branstad and Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds. Of note, during …

Vilsack Talks Trade, Climate & SOTU

USDA Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack held a press call yesterday to discuss President Obama’s last State of the Union (SOTU) address. Vilsack, who has served in the capacity of Ag Secretary throughout Obama’s Administration, said he is very proud to have been part of an administration that has basically taken the country from a brink of an economic collapse to …

Presidential Hopeful Huckabee: Energy as Weapon

The CNN Republican Presidential Candidates debate from Las Vegas this week was focused entirely on national security issues, but the word biofuels was actually uttered by one of the candidates who put forth the idea of using energy as a weapon. “We ought to be challenging not only Russia, but the Iranians and the Saudis, on the point of energy,” …

Trump and Cruz Talk Ethanol in Iowa

During an appearance at the Iowa State Fairgrounds on Friday, Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump talked about his support for ethanol and how his primary rival in the state, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, supports oil. “He’s got to come a long way because he’s right now for the oil,” Trump said. “If Ted Cruz is against ethanol, how …

Poll: Rural Voters Support Pro-RFS Candidates

On a press conference call this afternoon, the National Farmers Union (NFU), released a poll that showed popularity and support within rural congressional districts for political candidates that support the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). NFU President Roger Johnson said that the poll demonstrates the importance of the Obama Administration getting the RFS back on track as it sets the RFS …