RFA Report Fails Oil Companies on Consumer Choice

A new “Consumer Choice Report Card” released by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) grades some of the largest, most well-known retail gasoline chains based on whether they are providing consumers with alternatives to regular gasoline that cost less, reduce pollution and are higher octane for better engine performance. The “Big Five” oil companies all scored at the bottom of the …

EPA Chief Discusses Water Rule

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy held a conference call with media this morning in advance of her trip to Missouri this week to talk about the proposed Waters of the United States rule, or WOTUS. On the call with McCarthy was Missouri corn and soybean farmer Bill Heffernan, who will host her on his farm in Rocheport tomorrow to …

AgLeader Technology’s Road Tour in Illinois

Ag Leader Technology held the first of its kind Technology Meets Dirt Road tour throughout the state of Illinois in five locations. Ag Leader Technology is out in the fields this summer bringing the latest precision technology to Illinois farms in the Technology Meets Dirt Road Tour. The events allowed farmers to get hands-on experience with the latest Ag Leader …

GROWMARK Talks Issues Important to Agriculture

Board members for GROWMARK recently visited Capitol Hill to talk with their congressional representatives about issues important to them. In this interview, GROWMARK executive director of corporate and government relations Chuck Spencer talks about some of the issues they discussed.

Ethanol for Independence Day

In this interview, Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen talks about how ethanol is reducing our dependence on foreign oil and reducing gas prices, the new milestone reached this week in cellulosic ethanol production and why the government needs to be expanding the use of biofuels rather than contemplating scaling back our nation’s renewable energy policy.

NCBA Awaiting WTO Decision on COOL

The World Trade Organization has reportedly made a decision on the case against the United States mandatory Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) law by Canada and Mexico, but it may be some time yet before we hear what it is. In this interview, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) Associate Director of Legislative Affairs Kent Bacus talks about the background on …

Marrone Bio Celebrates Opening of Michigan Manufacturing Facility

Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. celebrated the official opening of its Marrone Michigan Manufacturing (M3) facility today with a ribbon cutting ceremony and plant tours. Pictured are the speakers from the program listed below. Today’s event features a facility tour which highlights the benefits of MBI’s bio-based products for pest management and plant health and gives attendees a firsthand look at …

MGEX Crop Call Comments on USDA Reports

USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released the 2014 Acreage Report today, as well as the Quarterly Grain Stocks report. The Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX) hosted its regular Crop Report Conference Call for the media on the Acreage and Grain Stocks reports with Jonah Ford of Ceres Hedge providing commentary.

Senate Hearing on Trade Enforcement

The Senate Committee on Finance held a hearing this week on “Trade Enforcement: Using Trade Rules to Level the Playing Field for U.S. Companies and Workers” addressing concerns that as new trade agreements are being considered those that are already in place are not being adequately enforced. Testifying on behalf of agricultural organizations were American Soybean Association (ASA) Treasurer Richard …

GROWMARK Report Studies Stocks-to-Use

GROWMARK Report Studies Stocks-to-Use A new report from GROWMARK Research challenges the commonly accepted notion that ending stocks are a primary determinant of agricultural commodity prices. In the report, GROWMARK economic and market research manager Kel Kelly shows that stocks are inversely correlated with prices, but that the correlation occurs within a limited price range, meaning that stocks do not …

USB Soy Biobased Products Dialogue

The United Soybean Board held the 2014 Biobased Products Stakeholders Dialogue June 17-18 at George Washington University in Washington, DC with the theme of “Innovation and Agriculture Grow Together” 2014 USB Soy Biobased Dialogue Photo Album Past and Present USDA Deputies at USB Event – Soy Biobased About Customer Focus – Millennial Views of Biobased and Sustainability – Elevance Exemplifies …

Secretary Vilsack from Brussels

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is in Europe this week meet with European agricultural and trade officials and other industry stakeholders. Vilsack is visiting with officials in Brussels, Luxembourg, Paris, and Dublin to discuss the expansion of agricultural trade, the importance of agriculture’s role in the U.S.-European Union (EU) Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP), and the benefits the trade agreement …

2014 ASTA Convention

The American Seed Trade Association 131st annual meeting was held June 11-14, 2014 in Indianapolis ASTA Annual Meeting Photo Album ASTA Annual Meeting Kicks Off – Understanding Farmer Attitudes – Seed Industry Revved Up at ASTA Meeting – New ASTA Chairman Focused on Advocacy – FuSE Celebrates 10 Years of Training Young Seed Execs – ASTA First Vice Chair from …

BASF Ag Media Summit

The semi-annual BASF Ag Media Summit was held June 10-12 in the home state of the crop protection division, North Carolina. 2014 BASF Ag Media Summit Photo Album BASF Ag Moving into Next Century – BASF Highlights North American Investment – BASF Ag Solutions Through Innovation – BASF Panel on Future of Food and Agriculture – BASF and Functional Crop …

2014 World Pork Expo

The 2014 World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa featured record crowds, record booths, record entries in the Junior Nationals and the world’s largest pork burger. The event, which is sponsored by the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC), is the world’s largest pork industry trade show. Click here to view the 2014 World Pork Expo photo album. Audio features from …