The 13th annual Animal Agriculture Alliance Stakeholders Summit was held May 8-9, 2014 in Crystal City, Virginia with the theme “Cracking the Millennial Code.” Program highlights included panels on sustainability, antibiotics, farm size, and animal care, as well as expert advice from chefs, restaurants, retailers and trade media on food issues and trends. 2014 AAA Stakeholders Summit Photo Album College …
Deepwater Wind Announces Right Whale Protection
This morning the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF), Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), National Wildlife Federation (NWF) and Deepwater Wind held a media teleconference to announce an agreement to implement additional protections for marine mammals, including the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale. Speakers included: Tricia K. Jedele, RI Advocacy Center Director, Conservation Law Foundation Jeffrey Grybowski, CEO, Deepwater Wind Michael Jasny, …
Officials Discuss RFS with Farm Broadcasters
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and EPA administrator Gina McCarthy both talked about the proposal to lower volume requirements under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) with members of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting meeting in Washington DC this week.
Roboflight Interview
RoboFlight is a global company that deals in data acquisition including UAV platforms as well as full scale aircraft and satellite systems. Beyond the agricultural industry, RoboFlight also works in security, search and rescue, utilities, mining and insurance. Chuck interviewed Phil Ellerbroek, Global Director of Sales for RoboFlight, and he shared more about the company. RoboFlight acquired Aerial Precision Ag, …
Call to Reform Immigration for Farm Workers
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack joined President of the United Farm Workers Arturo Rodriguez and President of Nisei Farmers League Manuel Cunha today on a conference call to discuss the importance of commonsense immigration reform for California’s agriculture economy and rural communities. There are over 81,033 farms in California that sell approximately $33.9 billion in agricultural products. Immigration reform would provide …
2012 Census of Agriculture Report
USDA released the majority of data collected for the 2012 Census of Agriculture on Friday. The data was released at noon via webcast. There are now 3.2 million farmers operating 2.1 million farms on 914.5 million acres of farmland across the United States, according to the 2012 Census of Agriculture, released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The agriculture …
Walmart Sustainability Expo
Kicking off a new Sustainable Product Expo this week, the CEOs from more than a dozen global companies gathered at Walmart headquarters in Arkansas this week to pledge to increase sustainability, starting with the food and agriculture sector. The first CEOs to take the stage were Greg Page of Cargill, Rick Smith with Dairy Farmers of America and Monsanto’s Hugh …
Saudi Oil Money Behind Ethanol Smear Campaign
Americans United for Change and held a press call today to reveal IRS documents showing how Saudi Oil money is helping to finance the multi-million dollar campaign being waged against ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) by the American Petroleum Institute (API). In response to the continued attacks on biofuels, Americans United for Change is launching a Sunday …
Monsanto Makes Sustainability Commitments
Kicking off a new Sustainable Product Expo this week, the CEOs from more than a dozen global companies gathered at Walmart headquarters in Arkansas Tuesday to pledge to increase sustainable food production. Monsanto chairman and CEO Hugh Grant announced two commitments at the event to help address challenges in the areas of water and nutrient efficiency. First, the company will …
REPREVE RENEWABLES Deploys Biomass Crop System
REPREVE® RENEWABLES, LLC, is collaborating with farmers and landowners in the United States to grow giant miscanthus grass for renewable product solutions, combining an innovative business model with proprietary equipment technologies custom-built for rhizome-propagated crop production. This innovative approach provides an economic alternative for leveraging marginal and underutilized land. The need for alternative sources to fossil fuels and other bio-based …
Farm Bureau Ditch the Rule Initiative
The Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed “Waters of the US” rule was published in the Federal Register last week – all 111,000 words of it. The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) responded with just three words – “Ditch the Rule”. Farm Bureau is calling on its members to bring the rule to the attention of local, state and federal lawmakers.
President Obama Comments on TPP in Japan
President Barack Obama met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Tokyo this week and commented Wednesday on talks regarding the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement. Obama said he believes the two sides can come together on an agreement but when asked by a Japanese reporter about specific agricultural commodities, such as rice and beef, provided few details.
New Report on Economic Impact of Renewable Fuels
The Fuels America coalition released an economic impact study by John Dunham & Associates showing that the industry supports more than 850,000 American jobs and drives $184.5 billion of economic output. Fuels America held a telephone press conference introducing the report results featuring comments from Jon Doggett, National Corn Growers Association public policy; Adam Monroe, Novozymes; Larry Ward, POET; and …
Fuels America Announces “Oil Rigged” Campaign
Members of Fuels America today unveiled the details of its new “Oil Rigged” television and digital ad campaign and designed to “expose the many ways the oil industry is rigging the system to protect their profits and block the transition to clean, American renewable fuels.” The announcement was made by Growth Energy CEO Tom Buis, Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) …
Elanco to be #2 Global Animal Health Company
Eli Lilly and Company intends to acquire Novartis Animal Health in a $5.4 billion all-cash transaction that will make Lilly’s own animal health business, Elanco the world’s second-largest animal health company. Jeff Simmons, senior vice president of Eli Lilly and Company and president of Elanco Animal Health, joined Lilly’s chairman, president and chief executive officer John Lechleiter in making the …