Growth Energy Event Engages Ethanol Leaders

Growth Energy is holding its annual Executive Leadership Conference this week in Orlando, FL. Many Growth members had the opportunity to attend the Daytona 500 race over the weekend before getting down to business. Event emcee is Kim Coon, former Miss Sprint Cup and announcer for Motor Racing Network. On the stage will be Jeff Broin, Chairman for Growth Energy …

GROWMARK’s ENDURE Program Assists Bees

Protecting pollinators is part of the GROWMARK sustainability initiative called ENDURE. Pollinator health is so critical, according to GROWMARK Director of Strategic Agronomy Marketing Lance Ruppert, the company started a pollinator program as part of ENSURE. Ruppert says all members are given enough seeds to plant up to ten acres of pollinator friendly flowers. “So our members are going to …

USB Call for Growers for See For Yourself Program

The United Soybean Board (USB) invites soybean farmers with a desire to take a look at their customers beyond the elevator and to learn more about the soy checkoff’s role in marketing U.S. soy, to take part in their See for Yourself program. Tina Holst, Chilston, Wisconsin soybean farmer, took advantage of this opportunity last year and Jamie Johansen caught …

Agrible Partners with ICGA

Agrible, Inc. has partnered with the Illinois Corn Growers Association (ICGA), as well as 30 other agricultural organizations, to implement the Precision Conservation Management Program (PCM), which was recently awarded a $5.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The PCM program is designed to help farmers use the best practices to protect water quality and prevent nutrient loss. …


Mavrx ultra-high resolution (UHR) imagery will now drive new Mavrx autonomous drone scouting capabilities for select growers and scouts in 2016. It comes as farmers and their advisors look for ways to save time and money. Mavrx powered drones extend the reach of trained advisors and agronomists to cover more acres in less time. Aerial imagery unlocks the potential of …

USMEF Reports on The Dominican Republic

This week’s audio report from the US Meat Export Federation (USMEF) covers the Dominican Republic, one of the fastest-growing markets for U.S. beef and pork, and how food service training programs for Dominican chefs and other restaurant staff have helped create new opportunities in this promising market. The report is led by Julieta Hernandez, USMEF foodservice manager for Mexico and …

#ShowMeYFR Leadership Conference

The American Farm Bureau Federation hosted their annual Young Farmer & Rancher Leadership Conference in Kansas City, Missouri last weekend. According to coordinator Marty Tatman, advocacy, leadership, and motivation were the three key areas of focus this year. Keynote speakers included former NFL player, Jason Brown, motivation speaker Kelly Barnes, and founder of Voices in Advocacy, Roger Rickard. Breakout sessions …

New Orleans Hosts #RFANEC

New Orleans is the host of the 21st Annual National Ethanol Conference (#NEC) this week sponsored by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). The event will kick off with the State of the Industry delivered by RFA CEO and President Bob Dinneen. The keynote speaker, John Hofmeister, is the former president of the Shell Oil Company, author of the book Why …

FMC at #NFM16 Featured in Latest ZimmCast

FMC Corporation has continued to increase its presence at the National Farm Machinery Show over the past 30 years, making the company really standout to exhibitors, media and attendees of the show. During the event, Cindy Zimmerman sat down with FMC portfolio manager Rick Ekins to talk about why they have made NFMS a priority show through such activities as …

EPA Chief on WOTUS, #RFS

During a hearing on Wednesday, House Agriculture Committee members questioned EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, on the agency’s overreaching, burdensome regulations and policies such as the “waters of the United States” rule, proposed changes to the ozone standard and pesticide uses and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Listen to McCarthy’s testimony and some of the questioning by committee members here:

#CIRB16 Attendees Gather in California

Leaders in the crop insurance business are gathered in California for the annual meeting of the Crop Insurance and Reinsurance Bureau.  On the program this year are presentations about the political climate in this election year, the climate itself and economic challenges facing the world ag market. In addition, first-year members of the CIRB Emerging Leaders Program will be on …

#NFMS16 is 51st Farm Machinery Show

The 2016 National Farm Machinery Show is the 51st annual event in Louisville with 880 exhibitors covering 1.2 million square feet of floor space for the largest indoor farm show in America. The free four-day event brings nearly 300,000 farmers from across the Midwest to explore the trade show and attend seminars on renewable energy, marketing and farm technology. 2016 …

Morning Farm Report by Agrible wins AE50 Award

The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) has named Morning Farm Report by Agrible a winner of a 2016 AE50 Award for Outstanding Innovations in Product or Systems Technology. AE50 awards honor the year’s most innovative designs in engineering products or systems for the food and agriculture industries. Morning Farm Report is a suite of predictive analytics tools …

Vilsack Discusses 2017 USDA Budget

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack hosted a national media call to discuss the Obama administration’s 2017 budget request for USDA programs. “The President’s 2017 Budget request aims to ensure USDA’s programs continue to invest in agriculture research and development, target effective strategies to protect our natural resources, and expand markets and economic opportunity for our farmers, ranchers, and the people who …

Phibro Animal Health on Ethanol and FSMA

Ethanol performance and animal health go hand in hand at Phibro Animal Health Corporation, which is why the revised FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) regulations are an important focus for the company right now. Phibo Animal Health Senior Vice President for scientific and regulatory affairs Richard Coulter says many ethanol producers are concerned about what impact the new regulations …