Thirsty Land, directed and produced by Conrad Weaver, focuses on the multi-year drought facing California, Washington and other southwestern states. The documentary debuted as part of the Water for Food Global Conference taking place April 24-26 in Lincoln Nebraska at the Nebraska Innovation Campus. The documentary follows the journey of growers who share their stories of how water shortages have …
New Holland Expands Precision Land Management Tools
Luke Zerby, Marketing Manger for Precision Land Management (PLM) at New Holland, says that hand-foraged tools are one of the first things most people think about when they hear the term precision ag. “And while we’re very excited, very proud of our tradition in that, we also have a lot to offer in precision farming,” he tells AgWired. “But to …
Sandhills Cattle Association and AgriClear Partner
AgriClear, an online transaction and payment platform for cattle buyers and sellers, has announced a collaborative arrangement with Sandhills Cattle Association (SCA), based in Valentine, Nebraska. Jamie Johansen spoke with Nevil Speer, Vice President of U.S. Operations for AgriClear, to learn more about what this partnership will mean for both sides. “This arrangement represents another important step forward as we …
Ethanol Report on #Climate #Ethanol
The signing of the Paris Climate Agreement on Earth Day 2016 puts the focus on what countries are doing to make the world a better place, and some of the nearly 170 countries signing the accord are backing the use of renewable fuels like ethanol for cleaner air. In this Ethanol Report, Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen …
Growing Global Solutions Launched to Grow Better Agriculture
Growing Global Solutions, a 501(c)(3) public charity, has been formed to help agricultural organizations improve their efficiency. Founders Janice Dahl and Jim Butler put the organization together with the goal of working with top-tier organizations that want to evaluate progress and reach peak efficiency. With expertise specifically in agriculture, the pair decided the industry would benefit from an approach designed …
Merial Addresses Stomach Ulcers in Horses
Stomach ulcers are a major veterinary health concern throughout the entire equestrian sport community, as two thirds of competition horses suffer from them, and the Merial equine health team made gastric health a priority in their presentations at the 2016 Midwest Horse Fair. Dr. Andy Bennett, DVM, Veterinary Services Manager for Merial, sat down with AgWired during the Horse Fair …
ZimmCast Features New NAMA President
This week’s ZimmCast features the new President, Matt Coniglio, Penton Agriculture. Matt says that if he looked ahead at his life twenty years ago he would have never dreamed he’d be on the NAMA platform in this position. Matt also talks about the NAMA strategic plan and how it is evolving as a blue print for the new president to …
Dr. John Newton Analyzes Milk Price Decline
Since the record highs of 2014, when milk was priced at well above $25 dollars per cwt, U.S. milk production has continued to grow at record numbers, and the USDA has projected that a record 212 billion pounds of milk will be produced in the U.S. in 2016. The demand, however, has begun to slow, and this new dynamic of …
#NAMA16 Conference Takes KC
NAMA members are taking over Kansas City for the National Agri-Marketing Association’s 2016 annual meeting. More than 1,200 attendee including 800 professionals and 400 students are on hand to hear great keynote speakers and educational sessions and network, network, network. In a kick-off interview with outgoing President Marvin Kokes, he noted, “There so much to be said about about folks …
#ACE16DC Members “Fly-In” DC
American Coalition for Ethanol members are in Washington, D.C. this week for the organization’s annual legislative fly-in. More than 70 ethanol industry representatives are meeting with federal legislators and key government organizations to discuss the benefits of ethanol and the importance of programs such as the Renewable Fuel Standard and bipartisan legislation to extend Reid vapor pressure (RVP) relief to …
AGI President Discusses Genomics Technology
While visiting the headquarters of the American Angus Association in St. Joseph, Missouri, AgWired’s Jamie Johansen was able to sit down for an interview with Dr. Dan Moser, president of Angus Genetics Incorporated (AGI), the largest provider of genetics worldwide. AGI develops and promotes technology for use by the beef industry, including DNA technology, and has developed genomic-enhanced EPDs for …
Latest ‘I AM USFRA’ Highlights Corn Farmers
This week’s edition of I AM USFRA highlights corn farmers and features National Corn Growers Association, a founding USFRA member, CEO Chris Novak. Novak is very proud of the many successful initiatives that USFRA has developed in a very short time and pointed to one just recently that took almost 37,000 students on a virtual agricultural field trip. “It also …
Alltech Releases Global Aquaculture Production Data
Following the release of their annual Global Feed Survey, and based on several industry requests, the research team behind Alltech recently completed a deeper dive into analyzing the growing aquaculture feed sector and the increased finisher feed prices worldwide. Aidan Connolly, Chief Innovation Officer for Alltech, sat down with for an interview with AgWired on the results of the analysis. …
Top Sensor Manufacturers Make Strategic Investment in CropX
CropX, provider of the world’s most advanced adaptive irrigation service, announced that global leaders in the sensor manufacturing space—Robert Bosch Venture Capital GmbH (RBVC) and the Flex technology accelerator, Lab IX—have invested in the company. Already serving 20 top farms across the United States, CropX plans to use the strategic partnerships to accelerate product development and rapidly expand market adoption. …
Re-designed AgWired App Now Available for iOS
ZimmComm New Media, LLC announces a newly updated version of its popular AgWired App for iOS (iPhone and iPad). The new version has been built on a platform that will allow easy changes and new application opportunities. It is available now in the iTunes store: “For the AgNerds out there, we have built a new backend on the app …