RFA President Discusses Poll Results and New Coalition

Attached is an audio interview with Renewable Fuels Association President Bob Dinneen on the results of a new poll commissioned by RFA and on a new coalition of organizations called Renewable Fuels Now. The interview was conducted by reporter Cindy Zimmerman and is in the format of a complete program called “The Ethanol Report.” Please feel free to use as …

Missouri Beef Producers Fund Research for Consumers

Columbia, MO (AgNewsWire) Finding a faster, more efficient way to detect contamination in food products is the goal of a new research project being funded by the Missouri Beef Industry Council (MBIC) through producer beef checkoff dollars. According to MBIC Executive Director John Kleiboeker, the study will focus on new technology capable of detecting both E. coli 0157:H7 and salmonella …

National Poll Shows Strong Bipartisan Support for Renewable Fuels Like Ethanol

Washington, DC (AgNewsWire) – Americans of all stripes agree: We want greater use of renewable fuels like ethanol. According to a new national poll released today by the Renewable Fuels Now Coalition, 74 percent of Americans believe we should increase our use of domestically produced renewable fuels like ethanol. In addition, 87 percent of Americans maintain the federal government should …

New Halex GT Offers Glyphosate with Residual Control

Greensboro, N.C., (October 23, 2007 – AgNewsWire) – Syngenta Crop Protection today announced federal registration for Halex™ GT, a new post-emergence corn herbicide for Agrisure® GT and Roundup Ready® corn hybrids. Halex GT offers the convenience of glyphosate with the added benefit of broad-spectrum, residual control of the toughest broadleaf weeds and grasses in corn including ragweeds, waterhemp, lambsquarters, pigweeds …

New Missouri Beef Industry Council Officers Elected

Columbia, MO (AgNewsWire) The Missouri Beef Industry Council (MBIC) board of directors has elected new officers for the 2008 fiscal year. James Rickman of Stockton was elected as chairman of the board which administers the $1 per head beef checkoff in Missouri. Rickman was recently re-elected to represent beef producers in Southwest Missouri to serve his second three-year term. He …

Patented Manufacturing Process Delivers the Right Ratio of Nutrients at the Right Time

(Plymouth, Minn. — September 17, 2007 (AgNewsWire) — A unique three-in-one crop nutrient designed to make every single plant perform better is now available from The Mosaic Company. Called MicroEssentials(TM), the new product uses a patented manufacturing process to combine the correct ratios of different vital nutrients into uniform granules, with each granule formed much like the partial layers on …

UC-Davis Livestock Producer Survey

(DAVIS, CA, 5-Sep-07 – AgNewsWire) In the wake of the recent foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in the UK, researchers at the Center for Animal Disease Modeling and Surveillance (CADMS) at UC Davis, are calling upon livestock producers to participate in an online survey. The goal of the survey is to collect information for a computer simulation model that will help predict …


(Kansas City, MO – AgNewsWire) (Kansas City, MO – AgNewsWire) The final day of the ID/INFO EXPO 2007 on Thursday, August 30 looked at the future for traceability and wrapped up the event. Included in this document are three of the day’s concluding presentations. http://www.animalagriculture.org/id/IDINFOEXPO2007/index.htm Full Release

NIAA ID/INFO EXPO – Bruce Knight

(Kansas City, MO – AgNewsWire) (Kansas City, MO – AgNewsWire) Included in this document are links to today’s presentation by Bruce Knight, USDA Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs, an interview with Knight by Cindy Zimmerman on his major points, and several photos. A summary of Mr. Knight’s remarks will be available at www.animalagriculture.org on Friday. One final media …


(Kansas City, MO – AgNewsWire) Day two of the ID/INFO EXPO 2007 on Wednesday, August 29 featured sessions on Practical Solutions in Place Today, Where Will Technology Take Us?, Creating Value From Traceability, and Gaining Production Efficiencies. The following are links to photos and audio interviews from the second day of the program. All interviews were conducted by Cindy Zimmerman. …


(Kansas City, MO – AgNewsWire) Day one of the ID/INFO EXPO 2007 on Tuesday, August 28 featured sessions on Foot and Mouth Disease, as well as the current status of North American Traceability Programs. The following are links to photos and audio interviews from the first day of the program. All interviews were conducted by Cindy Zimmerman. Power Point presentations …


(Bowling Green, KY – AgNewsWire) The ID/INFO EXPO 2007 is where traceability needs intersect for the animal agriculture industry. That includes animal health, country of origin labeling (COOL), food safety and consumer demand – all rolled into one jam-packed two-day session August 28-30 at the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City, MO. “ID/INFO EXPO was an effort that the National …

Florida Prepares for Alternative Fuels Leadership Role

St. Petersburg, FL – (July 24, 2007) (AgNewsWire) Florida stands ready to become a leader in both the production and consumption of biofuels, including ethanol. At the second annual Florida Farm to Fuel Summit in St. Petersburg, it was evident that major government leaders, including Governor Charlie Crist, are excited about the potential for ethanol in the Sunshine State. “This …

Summit on Energy Security Brings Together Diverse Group

Washington, DC. – July 14, 2007 (AgNewsWire) – “National Security and America’s Addiction to Carbon: Solutions to Oil Dependence and Climate Change” was the theme of the 2nd Annual National Summit on Energy Security held in Washington DC on Thursday, organized by 2020 Vision. “The purpose of the summit this year was to show how America’s dependence on oil and …

Gasoline Supply Impacted by Mother Nature

Omaha, Neb. – July 11, 2007 (AgNewsWire) – Midwest consumers are experiencing sticker shock at the gas pump. Since July 1, gas prices have increased on average of more than 40 cents due in part to diminished refining capacity. Flooding and lightening related fire incidences have closed refineries in certain parts of the nation. “If these shortages persist, my fuel …