The Chicago Farmers Rebrands Farmland Fair

The Chicago Farmers annual Farmland Investment Fair has been rebranded for 2014 as simply “The Farmland Fair” with a continued focus on the connection of social media and farmland investment. The Chicago Farmers 2014 Farmland Fair – “Where People Come To Learn, Connect and Understand Farmland” – will be held on February 1, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. …

TATT Roundtable and World Food Prize

The Truth About Trade and Technology (TATT) 2013 Global Farmer Roundtable was held in conjunction with the 2013 World Food Prize (WFP) Borlaug Dialogues in Des Moines the week of October 14, 2013. Thousands of agriculture and food industry representatives from around the world attend the events surrounding World Food Prize each year with the common goal of feeding a …