Ethanol Report with RFA Chairman Erik Huschitt

The Renewable Fuels Association held its annual membership meeting in Des Moines last month and Erik Huschitt, CEO of Badger State Ethanol, was re-elected as chairman of the organization. Huschitt, of Monroe, Wisc., has been with Badger State since January 2002 and currently serves as president of the Wisconsin BioFuels Association. He also has spent years on the board of …

Minnesota Farmer Takes Over as NCGA President

Harold Wolle, a corn farmer from Madelia, Minn., took over as president of the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA)this week. During a press conference Tuesday, Wolle talked about his goals over the next year, saying reauthorizing a farm bill that reflects the priorities of corn growers will be a pressing concern. He also noted that he plans to push for …

Field Notes from Koch Agronomic Services – Episode 31

Field Notes from Koch Agronomic Services

The Field Notes podcast series from Koch Agronomic Services (KAS) breaks down the science and technology behind agronomy to help growers do more with less. Reaping the Benefits of Cover Crops In this episode, we’ll learn more about the benefits of cover crops and how they can fit into your nutrient management plan. KAS technical agronomists, Lacie Thomas and Evan …

Trump Visits Farmers in Iowa to Campaign

Former President Donald Trump spent Sunday in Iowa talking to farmers about what his administration did for them and what he hopes to do for them in a second term. From trade deals to WOTUS to ethanol, Trump touted his support of farmers during a speech in Ottumwa. “The American farmer is a big deal,” said Trump. “I will remain …

Fusionware Hires Seasoned Vice President of Sales, Lon Gretillat, to Lead Continued Growth

(Idaho Falls, ID – October 3, 2023) – Fusionware, a leading agriculture supply chain platform that enables companies to digitize their processes from the farm to freight, has named Lon Gretillat as vice president of sales to lead their continued growth. “Lon brings a great combination of industry and sales experience that will enable us to rapidly expand across the …

USDA Agribusiness Trade Mission Delegation Visits Chile

USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Alexis Taylor led an agribusiness delegation to Santiago, Chile this week with representatives from the U.S. food and agriculture sectors and state departments of agriculture. “As we celebrate the 200th anniversary of U.S.-Chile relations, I am honored to lead such an incredible group as we work with Chilean importers on expanding …

2023 Ag Outlook Forum

The ninth annual Ag Outlook Forum, hosted by AgBizKC and Agri-Pulse Communications, was held September 25, 2023 in Kansas City. The event featured top economists, industry leaders and government officials offering insights into trending food and agriculture issues. EPA’s Senior Advisor for Agriculture Rod Snyder 41:06 Snyder talked about the agency’s commitment to biofuels and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). …

Corn Ethanol and EPA Science Advisory Group

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) heard testimony Thursday from ethanol organizations challenging a recent report on the climate impacts of corn ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The workgroup draft commentary was sent to EPA Administrator Michael Regan regarding the RFS “Set” Rule. Dr. Sheila Olmstead, University of Texas at Austin Professor of Public Affairs, …

ZimmCast 718 – Opening of the Ag Innovation Campus


Last week the Ag Innovation Campus held its grand opening in Crookston, MN. You can see lots of photos and interviews in the virtual newsroom I published on I’m going to share some of those interviews in the episode. Before getting to the AIC facility I met a group of farmers and other ag leaders in Fargo, ND to …

Ethanol Report on Environmental Benefits

One might think that after nearly two decades of the Renewable Fuel Standard that the environmental benefits of corn ethanol would be accepted, but one might be wrong. According to a draft report from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Board (SAB), the effectiveness of the RFS in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions “remains highly uncertain from a scientific perspective” …

Agtonomy, On-Target Collaborate to Advance All-Electric Implement Ecosystems

Agtonomy Debuts Autonomous Electrostatic Smart Spray Integration at FIRA USA Salinas, Calif. – September 19, 2023 – Agtonomy, a leading software and services company specializing in advanced autonomous and AI solutions for agriculture, announced today a partnership with OnTarget to develop an all-electric, electrostatic autonomous smart sprayer, ushering in the next generation of advanced, smart spray solutions for sustainable agriculture. …

Ag Innovation Campus Grand Opening

The new Ag Innovation Campus in Crookston, Minnesota held its grand opening on September 14. As a not-for-profit crush facility, the AIC will produce an estimated 240 tons of soybean meal daily, equaling a grand total of 62,400 tons of soybean meal per year. With three independently operated mechanic crush systems, the AIC will be able to crush organic, non-GMO …

DWFI Podcast 28 – Ron Yoder, UNL IANR

Ron Yoder is a pillar of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln community and most recently served as the senior associate vice chancellor for UNL’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR). After nearly 20 years of leadership at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Yoder has announced he will retire this fall. Yoder joined UNL in 2004 as the department head for the …

ZimmCast 717 – Syngenta at #FPS23


Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. This episode of the ZimmCast features what’s new with Syngenta Seeds, Golden Harvest, and NK Seeds – all from the 2023 Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Illinois. Listen to interviews with Kramer Farney, Golden Harvest head of marketing; NASCAR Driver Sammy Smith; Mary Kay Thatcher, senior lead for federal government relations at Syngenta; Eric …

Ethanol Report from Farm Progress Show

The Renewable Fuels Association was on the ground in Decatur, Illinois this week at the 70th annual Farm Progress Show where all the cool agricultural kids go at the end of summer. In this edition of The Ethanol Report podcast, we hear from RFA Vice President of Industry Relations Robert White about the flex fuel EV he has been driving …