
AgNewsWire – est. 2005

AgNewsWire features news and multi-media content of interest related to agribusiness and renewable fuels that is open source and can be used without any fees or registration requirements.

We are a source of content for anyone seeking high quality photos and audio from around 50 agriculture and biofuels industry events each year, as well as newsworthy and feature material.

Our weekly e-newsletter is sent to over 1,700+ agricultural reporters, company and organization representatives, and other industry influencers. All content is regularly promoted through social media channels, email alerts  and syndicated news feeds.

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Chuck Zimmerman


Cindy Zimmerman

Managing Editor

AgNewsWire is The Virtual Newsroom for agricultural multimedia content, with archived content stretching all the way back to 2005 and new material added daily.

Our virtual newsrooms are a place where content from an event, including photos and audio, can be posted in one place which can be easily accessed by anyone needing it. That includes traditional and non-traditional media outlets, as well as companies, organizations and individuals looking for photos to include in newsletters and other internal publications.

Check out some of our past Virtual Newsrooms

Our AgNewsWire News Release service is a reputable source of multi-media content for more than 1,700 agricultural media, communicators and influencers seeking high quality photos and audio from around 50 industry events each year.

Make the most of your marketing and communications budgets by allowing AgNewsWire to supplement your upcoming projects and campaigns. Increase awareness of your business or product line to a meaningful audience.

Combine forces with our well established audience of people that are focused on renewable energy and agriculture. The AgNewsWire parent company, ZimmComm, has a combined 40K+ followers on Twitter alone. Simply put, we thrive online and it shows with the following that's blossomed over the last 15+ years that we've been in the business of online Agricultural communications.

We're freelance digital content creation and distribution experts. Collaborate with us for your next event, promotional campaign or marketing project. Get in touch, we're always here to help, whether it's producing a podcast, interviewing your clients / customers for research or distributing your latest company news.