The Environmental Protection Agency held a hearing Friday on proposed regulatory changes related to retail sales of 15% ethanol blended fuel (E15) and the renewable identification number (RIN) compliance system Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program. Biofuels advocates, organization representatives and company officials testified at the hearing about the proposal and other related topics. Below are links to audio files from …
Ethanol Report on Fueling Knowledge
Spring is here at last and after a rough winter in most of the country there are lots of people ready to hit the road and enjoy some warmer weather activities, like motorcycle riding and fishing, for example. In this episode of the Ethanol Report, Renewable Fuels Association Vice President of Industry Relations Robert White talks about some of the …
RFA Addresses Current Ethanol Issues
The Renewable Fuels Association held a media conference call today to discuss a number of current issues facing the ethanol industry, including EPA’s just released E15 RVP/RIN reform proposal, pending petitions for more small refiner exemptions, and final 2018 data confirming ethanol demand destruction, as well as a new analysis showing a year-over-year decrease in domestic ethanol usage for the …
EPA Proposes E15 Waiver and RIN Market Rule
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released proposed regulatory changes Tuesday that would allow gasoline blended with up to 15 percent ethanol (E15) to receive a Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) waiver for the summer months, the same as E10. In the same rule, EPA is also proposing changes to the renewable identification number (RIN) compliance system under the Renewable Fuel Standard …
Ethanol Report from Commodity Classic
Whether or not EPA can get to the finish line with a rule allowing year round sales of E15 before June 1 was a major topic of discussion last week, from hearings on Capitol Hill to the stage of the Commodity Classic in Orlando. First, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue told the House Agriculture Committee that the rule would not be …
Ethanol Report with #RFANEC Highlights
Orlando was the site of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) 24th annual National Ethanol Conference February 11-13, 2019. As always, the event was loaded with headline speakers and information on the latest industry issues. In this edition of the Ethanol Report, we have some of the highlights from #RFANEC, including comments from RFA president and CEO Geoff Cooper, former Sen. …
2019 National Ethanol Conference
This is the virtual newsroom for the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) 24th annual National Ethanol Conference held February 11-13, 2019 in Orlando, Florida. The NEC is the most widely attended executive level conference for the ethanol industry featuring the annual State of the Industry address, as well as speakers and sessions on the top issues of the day. This virtual …
Ethanol Report from Biodiesel Conference
At the 2019 National Biodiesel Conference in San Diego, Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Geoff Cooper was part of a panel discussion on the future of the Renewable Fuel Standard and how ethanol and biodiesel can continue to work together to keep the program strong. In this Ethanol Report, Cooper talks about how the two industries are coordinating with …
Ethanol Report for the New Year
Will 2019 be a happy new year for the ethanol industry? In this first Ethanol Report podcast for 2019, Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) president and CEO Geoff Cooper comments on some of the challenges and opportunities for the industry in 2019, including getting year-round E15 approved before summer, and dealing with the continuing consequences of the small refinery waivers. RFA’s …
President Trump Signs Farm Bill
President Donald Trump gave Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue a happy birthday Thursday when he signed the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 with many members of the agricultural community in attendance. Listen to remarks at the signing here: Among those privileged to witness the farm bill signing was Mick Henderson, general manager of Commonwealth Agri-Energy in Kentucky and past chairman of …
Ethanol Report for 2018
2018 has been a busy and interesting year for the ethanol industry and the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). In this edition of The Ethanol Report podcast, RFA president and CEO Geoff Cooper reviews the top stories of the year in ethanol, including the new leadership at RFA, President Trump’s interest in the industry and E15, small refinery waivers, record exports …
Ethanol Interests Testify on Proposed Fuels Act
Ethanol stakeholder groups testified Tuesday at a House Energy and Commerce Environment Subcommittee hearing to review a discussion draft of the 21st Century Transportation Fuels Act, which would effectively repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Among those who testified: Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Geoff Cooper- Growth Energy CEO Emily Skor – Texas farmer and National Corn Growers Association …
Ethanol Report from 2018 NAFB Convention
The new president and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) met with farm broadcasters from around the country recently at the annual National Association of Farm Broadcasting Trade Talk. While Geoff Cooper has been with RFA since 2008, it was the first time he had the opportunity to talk with the ag media as CEO. Among the topics he …
GROWMARK Energy Offering Pre-Blended E15
The Renewable Fuels Association is pleased that farmer-owned cooperative GROWMARK Energy has started offering pre-blended E15 at its company-owned terminals in Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri. RFA has been working with GROWMARK on a number of issues related to offering E15 at the terminals, including regulatory compliance, participation in the EPA’s required fuel survey, and adoption of RFA’s Misfueling Mitigation Plan …
ZimmCast 602 – A Farm Broadcasting Icon and More
In this episode of the ZimmCast, we share a conversation with farm broadcasting legend Everett Griner who just announced his retirement from Southeast AgNet after 70 years in the broadcast business. Next in the program is an interview with Kelly Davis, Renewable Fuels Association, about their co-partnership of the Export Exchange conference that brings together international grain buyers with U.S. …