ASFMRA Agronomics Vision 2014

The 84th Annual Convention of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers is being held in conjunction with the Agronomics Vision 2014 conference in Reno, NV. Here are photos and audio and video files for your use. More will be added as they get edited. We’re expecting about a dozen or more in total. Photos: Agronomics Vision 2014 …

Ethanol Industry Responds to AP Article

The ethanol industry is responding to an Associated Press “investigative report” to be released Tuesday on the renewable fuel’s environmental impact. Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) and CEO Bob Dinneen was interviewed for the story and comments in this report. Fuels America held a conference call with Geoff Cooper, RFA Vice President of research and analysis, and Leroy Perkins, an Iowa …

MGEX November Crop Call

USDA issued its November Crop Production forecast on Friday, calling for a record corn crop of just a hair under 14 billion bushels. During the Minneapolis Grain Exchange conference call on the report, Mike Krueger of The Money Farm commented on both the new production forecast and the new WASDE report.

Group Hopeful Conference will end Catfish Program

The National Fisheries Institute is hopeful that the farm bill conference committee will finally repeal the USDA catfish inspection program that was authorized in the 2008 farm bill. In this interview, Gavin Gibbons with the Institute, talks about support in Congress for the repeal and threats of WTO-sanctioned retaliation against U.S. ag exports by Vietnam and China if the law …


Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) and CEO Bob Dinneen fears “the Obama Administration is about to make a huge mistake” in lowering the volume requirements (RVO) for ethanol under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Dinneen also talks about the RFA’s response to AAA comments about the safety of E15 and how a recent NREL study proves it is safe in this …

USFRA Boston Food Dialogues

This week the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance held a Food Dialogues event in Boston, MA. You can find out more about it on their website. The event was moderated by Bloomberg News’ Alan Bjerga and the topic was “Farm Size: Does It Really Matter.” The event took place from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. EDT at the State Room …

House Passes WRRDA

By a vote of 417 to 3 on Wednesday, the House passed the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA), a bill that includes provisions to update locks and dams on the nation’s transportation waterways critical to agricultural trade. Two representatives from Illinois are particularly pleased with their contributions to the Water Resources Reform and Development Act or WRRDA overwhelmingly …

Animal Ag Alliance Teleconference

Today the Animal Agriculture Alliance hosted a teleconference with various third-party experts to discuss industry improvements presented in the report “Advances in Animal Agriculture; What the Center for a Livable Future, Pew Commission and Others Aren’t Telling You About Food Production.” (pdf) Third-party experts on the call included: Dr. Richard Raymond, former Under Secretary, Food Safety Inspection Service, United States …

Commodity Classic and AG CONNECT Announcement

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers, the National Corn Growers Association and the American Soybean Association today announced a new collaborative venture that joins two leading industry trade show experiences – Commodity Classic and AG CONNECT Expo & Summit. The inaugural event will be held March 3-5, 2016, in New Orleans. The Commodity Classic shows scheduled for 2014 and 2015 will …

TATT Roundtable and World Food Prize

The Truth About Trade and Technology (TATT) 2013 Global Farmer Roundtable was held in conjunction with the 2013 World Food Prize (WFP) Borlaug Dialogues in Des Moines the week of October 14, 2013. Thousands of agriculture and food industry representatives from around the world attend the events surrounding World Food Prize each year with the common goal of feeding a …

O.H. Kruse Customer Appreciation Event

The O.H. Kruse Grain & Milling company holds its 2013 Grand Opportunities customer appreciation event at the International Agri-Center in Tulare, CA. This post will be updated over the next couple days with more photos and interviews you may use in your broadcasts, websites and publications. Photos of the event: 2013 O.H. Kruse Photo Album Audio:

John Deere API Integrator Conference

This week John Deere held its API Integrator Conference in Des Moines, IA at the World Food Prize building. During the conference the company announced a new web portal for application and software developers who become partners at They also announced the MyJohnDeere Data API. Here are interviews with John Deere representatives and partner companies that attended the event. …

How Shutdown is Impacting Ethanol Industry

The nation’s capitol is “so quiet you can hear a pin drop” but the American Petroleum Institute (API) is still working to beat the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), and the government shutdown means E15 retailers are unable to get approval. This edition of “The Ethanol Report” features an interview with Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen on various …

Monsanto Presser on The Climate Corporation Agreement

Monsanto Companyhas signed an agreement to acquire The Climate Corporation for a cash purchase price of approximately $930 million. Link to Monsanto press release. Monsanto’s executive vice president of global strategy Kerry Preete and David Friedberg, chief executive officer of The Climate Corporation, held a conference call to make the announcement.

BASF Global Press Conference

BASF Crop Protection held a global press conference in Germany September 30 – October 2, 2013 for nearly 100 agricultural journalists from ten countries, including a group of ten from the United States. The theme of the event was “Integrated Solutions for Agriculture” and in addition to the press conference, the U.S. group visited the BASF wine cellar and a …