2014 Year in Ethanol

2014 was a year of record production and sales for ethanol, healthy exports, and the commercial reality of cellulosic ethanol. The low point of the year was definitely the inability of the federal government to set volume obligations for 2014 under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), leaving the industry in somewhat of a limbo. In this interview, Renewable Fuels Association …

PacificAg Can Help Farmers and Biorefineries

The largest and most experienced biomass harvest company in the country wants to help ethanol plants develop or expand operations into the production of cellulosic ethanol by saving time and money on supply chain development. PacificAg is already supplying biomass for plants in Iowa and Kansas, including corn stover, wheat straw and milo stover products. In this interview, PacificAg founder …

Seventh Anniversary of RFS

This week marks the seventh anniversary of the signing into law of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 which expanded the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). In this interview, Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) president and CEO Bob Dinneen remembers that day seven years ago and talks about its accomplishments so far and how EPA needs to move ahead with …

NFU on RFS Report and Congress Action

The National Farmers Union represented agriculture on a Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) advisory group that helped develop a new report on “Options for Reforming the Renewable Fuel Standard.” NFU vice president of programs Chandler Goule discusses the advisory group makeup being skewed toward Big Oil, and NFU’s objections to policy recommendations made in the report. In this interview, Goule also …

2014 North American PRRS Symposium

The North American PRRS Symposium took place in Chicago, December 5-7, 2014. Boehringer Ingelheim’s sponsored PRRS session was centered around coordinating efforts for area disease control. The 20th anniversary of global PRRS solutions brought together the leading researchers and veterinarians to drive the discussion on the next steps to tackling the long-standing virus. 2014 BIVI PRRS Seminar Photo Album Historical …

2014 ASTA CSS and Seed Expo

ASTA’s 69th Annual Corn & Sorghum Research Conference and 44th Soybean Seed Research Conference is America’s largest seed industry conference. Over 2,600 attendees representing the U.S. and 20 countries come to CSS for an exciting week of collaboration and networking. This year’s event was held December 8-12 in Chicago. 2014 ASTA CSS & Seed Expo photo album ASTA CSS 2014 …

2014 Ag Retailers Convention

The 2014 Agricultural Retailers Association Convention & Expo is underway in New Orleans, December 2-4. You can find lots of convention photos here: 2014 ARA Convention & Expo Photo Album Audio Ag Retailers Kick Off Convention – An FFA Welcome to Ag Retailers Convention – AGCO Operator of the Year at ARA Convention – Ag Retailers Public Policy Update – …

Biofuels Industry Reaction to RFS Delay

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced they will not be finalizing the 2014 applicable percentage of standards under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) until next year. Biofuels industry organizations reacted to the news immediately on Friday. Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) – National Biodiesel Board (NBB) – American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) – Growth Energy –

2014 NAFB Trade Talk

The 71st annual National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention once again featured the popular Trade Talk event, where over 100 companies and organizations lined up for interviews with broadcasters from all over the country. Find links to Trade Talk attendee interviews here, as well as a link to the convention photo album. General convention story posts can be found here. …

2014 NAFB Annual Meeting

The 71st National Association of Farm Broadcasting Annual Convention was held November 12-14, 2014 in Kansas City, Missouri. Find links here to all photos and general story posts with audio, including Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and a press conference with the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance. Links to stories and audio with NAFB Trade Talk participants can be found here. …

RFA Comments on Indirect Land Use Report

A new analysis of real-world land use data by Iowa State University raises serious concerns about the accuracy of models used by regulatory agencies regarding “indirect land use changes” (ILUC) attributed to biofuels production, according to the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). The report basically concluded that farmers around the world have responded to higher crop prices in the past decade …

Crop Health Lab’s Power Growers Seminar

Fruit and vegetable growers recently flocked to Santa Clara, CA for Crop Health Laboratories’ Power Growers Seminar on plant sap analysis. Learn from founder of NovaCropControl/HortiNova and get all your questions answered when it comes to plant sap analysis. Find all my interviews and photos from the event below. Photos from the event: Crop Health Labs Power Growers Seminar Photos …

Develop with Deere

The 2014 Develop with Deere conference brings together dealers, independent agricultural software application developers and John Deere staff primarily from their Intelligent Solutions Group. Develop with Deere Photo Album Develop with Deere Underway – Farmobile Will Let Farmers Sell Data – Deere Partners Look to Lower Costs, Raise Integrations – Develop with Deere Attendees Find Great Networking – Relationships Develop …

87th National FFA Convention

“Go All Out” was the theme for the 87th National FFA Convention and Expo in Louisville, KY October 29 – November 1, 2014. With more than 60,000 attendees from around the country, this annual event focuses on the future of agriculture. 87th National FFA Convention Photo Album Go All Out! at the 87th National FFA Convention – FFA – You …

Bayer CropScience Corn & Soybean Future Forum

The 2014 Bayer CropScience Corn and Soybean Future Forum takes place in Frankfurt, Germany. The Future Forum will be an excellent networking opportunity with interesting lectures, expert discussions and an attractive side program that feature upcoming trends and technologies in corn and soybean and will provide new insights into current and upcoming challenges and possible solution approaches. Audio Bayer CropScience …