Taranis Transforms Agronomic Decision Making with Groundbreaking Ag Assistant™

The agriculture industry’s first generative AI-powered agronomy engine transforms crop input and farm management decision making

Westfield, IN, July 17, 2024 Taranis, the global leader in crop intelligence, announces the launch of the industry’s first AI-powered agronomic engine, Ag Assistant™. Using multimodal AI, Ag Assistant promises to revolutionize service and management opportunities for ag retailers and the growers they serve by providing unprecedented timeliness and accuracy in addressing in-season threats. The advancement introduces a new approach to AI-powered farm management.

Jason Minton, Chief Commercial Officer for Taranis, explains, “Ag Assistant is the culmination of years of data collection, analysis and development. Our GenAI model was trained on a growing library of more than 500 million leaf-level data points, collected exclusively by Taranis, along with relevant, vetted industry information. Ag Assistant will enhance the speed, accuracy and quality of service agronomists can provide growers.”

In addition to Taranis’ ever-expanding proprietary agronomic data library, Ag Assistant also captures, analyzes and contextualizes information from weather maps, machinery data, university research, crop input companies, and other peer-reviewed, credible sources. The Taranis multimodal Ag GenAI model then cross-references and applies all gathered information to the detected threat(s) in the grower’s field. Culminating is a report that categorizes and summarizes all identified threats, providing the agronomist with a recommendation for remedy. This solution is delivered to the Taranis platform, where both the agronomic advisor and enrolled grower are alerted to management opportunities in hours rather than days.

“Taranis is at the forefront of AI application in agriculture, taking GenAI to the field to help address the numerous circumstances and performance indicators of field and crop health,” says Minton. “Ag Assistant pulls in many factors that contribute to the success of a crop: hybrid, nutrients, weed pressure – even the likelihood of herbicide resistance, weather patterns, present and emerging diseases…the list is long and intertwined. An agronomist could spend all day, every day, trying to analyze this information from one field that was likely scouted in spots rather than its entirety. Ag Assistant analyzes that near-infinite list of field health influencers, scouts every acre at a leaf level, and provides a detailed recommendation for field health improvement so agronomists can focus on what’s important: providing the services that help growers reach their yield and profitability goals.”

“Imagine a scenario in which Ag Assistant identifies a widespread specific weed threat, indicating that the prescribed weed management program did not work,” Minton adds. “Rather than an agronomist spending hours and days during the growing season manually walking and scouting fields, reviewing seed hybrid information, weather history and forecast, herbicide label information, and identified weed control, Ag Assistant will immediately generate a detailed, expert-level agronomy report to the agronomist that analyzes those factors and more to provide a targeted control recommendation for the specific field and farm in question.”

Ag Assistant takes agricultural retail service to the next level with detailed reporting not only in-season but as a comprehensive growing season overview that can help shape future management decisions. Empowering the agronomist, the actionable reports drive product recommendations, nutrient management opportunities and input decisions in real time and for the next crop cycle.

Taranis Chief Executive Officer Opher Flohr says the goal is to dramatically improve the farm management paradigm.

“Profitability has never been more difficult to achieve in production agriculture than it is today. The widening inverse relationship between input costs and commodity prices requires growers to micromanage every aspect of their operation to be profitable. Ag Assistant streamlines the precision of which retailers and growers operate to a degree that has never before been possible by providing the efficiency, intuitiveness and accuracy they need to respond to threats and make input and farm management decisions.”


About Taranis:
Taranis is the world’s leading AI-powered crop intelligence platform, 100% focused on helping ag advisors demonstrate value to their growers and build better relationships through full-service, leaf-level data capture. Taranis’ insights allow them to accelerate decision-making, simplify management, and improve their bottom line. Since its founding in 2015, Taranis has worked with the world’s top agricultural retailers and crop protection companies, serving millions of acres for customers in the United States, Brazil, and Europe. Taranis has offices located in Westfield, Indiana, Tel Aviv, Israel, and Campinas, Brazil. To learn more, visit www.taranis.com.

Media Contact:
Sarah Rang
Director of Marketing
(317) 804-2031