75th NAFB Convention

The 75th annual National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) convention held at the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri November 7-9, 2018.

The NAFB was founded in 1944 as the National Association of Radio Farm Directors (NARFD). Television was added to the name in 1955 to become NATRFD. The next name change came in 1964 to the more inclusive National Association of Farm Broadcasters and NAFB. In 2005, the name was changed from Broadcasters to Broadcasting.

This virtual ag newsroom, sponsored by FMC Corporation, includes links to digital media content available free of charge for digital or print publication or broadcast.


2018 NAFB Convention Photo Album


NAFB is 75 Years Strong
PlayInterview with NAFB president Tom Cassidy, Ag Radio Network

2018 NAFB Social Media Corps
PlayNAFB18 Social Media Corps interview with Hannah Borg, Univ of Neb.

2018 NAFB Foundation Going Strong
PlayInterview with NAFB Foundation president Sara Wyant, Agri-Pulse

Pork, Soy and Corn Groups Unite for Sustainability Research
PlayPork, Soy and Corn sustainability agreement

USTR’s Gregg Doud Talks Trade at #NAFB18
PlayUSTR chief ag negotiator Gregg Doud at NAFB18

NAFB18 Participants Learn About Alternative CropsPlayNAFB18 Alternative Crops Session

FMC Features

FMC Proud to Be Part of NAFB
PlayInterview with Lisa Homer, FMC, at 2018 NAFB Convention

FMC Introduces Ethos 3D
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Bob Hooten, FMC - Ethos® 3D

FMC Working on Soybean Gall Midge Control
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Bob Hooten, FMC - Gall Midge

Leaf Spot is FMC Disease of the Year
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Nick Hustedde, FMC

Trade Talk interviews

AMVAC’s Jim Lappin discusses smart solutions for growers –
PlayNAFB18 interview with Jim Lappin, AMVAC, smart solutions

AMVAC Collaborates with Iowa Soybean Association
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Jim Lappin, AMVAC, on IA soy partnership

RFA Displays Custom Ethanol Motorcycle at NAFB
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Robert White, RFA

RFA president and CEO Geoff Cooper comments on current topics –
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Geoff Cooper, RFA CEO

U.S. Drivers Hit Six Billion Miles on E15
PlayGrowth Energy CEO Emily Skor comments on six billion miles on E15 at NAFB18

Growth Energy Celebrates 10th Anniversary
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Emily Skor, Growth Energy

John Deere and Pheasants Forever Working Together
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Lyle McMillan, John Deere

Deere Helps Farmers Manage Data
PlayNAFB18 Interview with John Mishler, John Deere

ASTA Talks Seed and Trade at #NAFB18
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Andy LaVigne, ASTA

GROWMARK Simulator Aids Training
PlayInterview with Eric Wilcox, GROWMARK

Introducing USFRA 2.0
PlayUSFRA 2.0 press conference

Corn Growers Partner With Environmental Defense Fund
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Iowa farmer Kevin Ross, NCGA 1st VP

New NCGA CEO Talks Corn Issues at #NAFB18
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Jon Doggett, NCGA CEO

Poncho/VOTiVO 2.0 Boosts Yields Again
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Kerry Grossweiler, BASF

BASF Introduces New Insecticide
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Duane Rathmann, BASF

BASF Offers New Trait System in Credenz Varieties
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Marc Hoobler, BASF

Smooth Transition to Bayer for Channel Seed Brand
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Brock Helgerson, Bayer

Expanding the Seed Treatment Approach
PlayNAFB18 Interview with AJ Hohmann, Bayer

Research Positive for Lamb Industry
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Jim Percival, American Lamb Board chair

USDA and FDA to Jointly Regulate Cell-Cultured Meat
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Jennifer Houston, NCBA

Can-Am Talks Outdoors at NAFB Convention
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Andrew Howard, Can-Am

Enogen Means Energy for Feed and Fuel
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Chris Tingle, Syngenta

Shawn Potter, Syngenta Seed Treatment –
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Shawn Potter, Syngenta

Scott Erikson, Syngenta NK Soybeans marketing manager –
PlayNAFB18 Interview with Scott Erickson, Syngenta


Hilary Winn, FMC: