ZimmCast: Tweet a Bee #Feed a Bee

ZimmCast 507Bayer is gearing up to make a significant impact on pollinator health in 2016 by planting more forage and spreading the word about the importance of pollinators with the debut of the Feed a Bee song and video and new social media initiatives to help keep pollinators healthy. In this week’s ZimmCast, Cindy Zimmerman spoke with our favorite Queen Bee Becky Langer, Bayer Bee Care Program Director, about the new aspects of the 2016 Feed A Bee program and got to know a little more about the busy, buzzy little buggers and other pollinators

Bayer is re-launching FeedABee.com with new features so people can stay up to date on Feed a Bee activities throughout the year. This includes a new video featuring Beatrice Blum and her animated friends.

Learn more about #FeedABee in this week’s ZimmCast: ZimmCast with Becky Langer, Bayer Bee Care Program Director

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