Latest ZimmCast Features Hot Dogs & Sausages

ZimmCast 498His real title is President of the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council. He’s Eric Mittenthal. But, as Chuck Zimmerman notes during this week’s ZimmCast, we need a much better title for him and perhaps you could suggest one. Eric is taking over the position from the “Queen of Wien” herself, Janet Riley. Both also work for the North American Meat Institute which oversees the NHDSC. Riley will continue to be the official Queen of Wein for the Council. Eric will also continue his position of VP of Public Affairs for NAMI.

National Hot Dog and Sausage CouncilMittenthal will lead the NHDSC’s efforts celebrating hot dogs and sausages as the iconic American food and answering common questions related to quality, safety, nutrition and preparation of hot dogs and sausages.

Some recent NHDSC accomplishments include settling the debate over whether a hot dog is a sandwich, creating a new hot dog bumper sticker and naming baseball’s best hot dog. Eric talks about those project and many more so you’ll need to listen is.

Listen to this week’s ZimmCast here: Eric Mittenthal, National Hot Dog & Sausage Council

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