2014 NAFB Trade Talk

nafb14-trade-talkThe 71st annual National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention once again featured the popular Trade Talk event, where over 100 companies and organizations lined up for interviews with broadcasters from all over the country.

Find links to Trade Talk attendee interviews here, as well as a link to the convention photo album. General convention story posts can be found here.

2014 NAFB Convention Photos

Big Data Privacy Agreement
PlayInterview with Ryan Molitor, Raven Industries

PlayInterview with AFBF President Bob Stallman AFBF Talks Policy Issues at NAFBPlayInterview with Dale Moore, AFBF COOL is a Big Issue for NFUPlayInterview with Chandler Goule, NFU NCBA Update from WashingtonPlayInterview with Colin Woodall, NCBA Protein Export NumbersPlayInterview with Leann Saunders, USMEF American Seed Trade Officer at NAFB PlayInterview with Risa DeMasi, ASTA officer ASTA CSS 2014 and Seed Expo Coming UpPlayInterview with Andy LaVigne, ASTA President and CEO Sustainably Grown USSEC MarketsPlayInterview with Laura Foell, USSEC Getting to Know the New NCGA CEOPlayInterview with Chris Novak, NCGA CEO NCGA President Discusses IssuesPlayInterview with Chip Bowling, NCGA president Farm Foundation Promotes Soil RenaissancePlayInterview with Mary Thompson, Farm Foundation VP of Communications FSA Programs Assist ProducersPlayInterview with Val Dolcini, FSA BASF Support of NAFBPlayInterview with Sandi Wilson, BASF BASF Offers Limus® Nitrogen Management for 2015PlayInterview with Nick Fassler, BASF BASF’s Gator InternPlayInterview with Mark Kaplan, BASF intern BASF Talks Engenia at NAFBPlayInterview with Chad Brommer, BASF John Deere Has Green Fever at NAFBPlayInterview with Barry Nelson, John Deere John Deere Connects with JDLink™PlayInterview with Beverly Flores, John Deere FMC Offering Year-Long ManagementPlayInterview with Gail Stratman, FMC FMC Introduces 3RIVE 3D™ TechnologyPlayInterview with Matt Hancock, FMC Biodiesel Industry Waiting on RFS and Tax CreditPlayInterview with Kaleb Little, NBB NBB: Livestock Industry Sees Big Benefits from BiodieselPlayInterview with Alan Weber, economic consultant for the NBB RFA Pleased with E85 PotentialPlayInterview with Robert White, RFA Why RFA Loves Farm BroadcastersPlayInterview with Bob Dinneen, RFA FarmLink Introduces TrueHarvestPlayInterview with Mark Gabrick, FarmLink Regional Sales Manager Pork Producers Want Congress to Fix COOLPlayInterview with Dr. Howard Hill, NPPC president Celebrating Exciting Times in American Sheep PlayInterview with Peter Orwich, American Sheep Sales, Innovation & Customer TrustPlayInterview with Mike Kruger, Midwest Dairy Association A Roadmap Through American LambPlayInterview with Dan Lippert, American Lamb Board Beef – Best Tasting MultivitaminPlayInterview with Dave Zino, CBB Update on Animal Ag Programs from Trade TalkPlayInterview with Paul Pressley, Animal Ag Alliance Update on Valent Products from Trade Talk
PlayInterview with Jim Wargo, Valent PlayInterview with Thad Haes, Valent PlayInterview with Matt Kirkpatrick, Valent AyrMesh Bridge Wireless Point-to-Point BridgePlayNew AyrMesh Bridge NRCS Official Discusses Programs at NAFBPlayInterview with James Tillman, USDA-NRCS Alta Seeds Expands Sorghum Product LinePlayInterview with Barry Lubbers, Alta Seeds from Advanta GROWMARK Preparing for Next SeasonPlayInterview with Nate Pierce, GROWMARK Yamaha’s Commitment to Agriculture PlayInterview with Steve Nessl, Yamaha Insights into Genomic Testing in AngusPlayInterview with Dr. Dan Moser, Angus Genetics Inc. National Bison Association’s Bison CentralPlayInterview with Bison Breeders DHA for Animals, Producers & ConsumersPlayInterview with Nikki Putnam, Dietitian Nutritionist for Alltech Alltech’s 2014 Harvest Analysis ResultsPlayInterview with Ann Hess, Alltech Update on Alltech Crop SciencePlayInterview with Danielle Palmer, Alltech Hick Chick Chat: Koch Talks AGROTAIN® Upgrades PlayHick Chick Chat with Ron Restum, Koch Agronomics Pork Board’s Strategic Plan – People, Pigs & PlanetPlayInterview with Dale Norton, National Pork Board Pork Board Provides Update on PEDvPlayInterview with Dr. Lisa Becton, National Pork Board 2015 Interest Rates for Rural AmericaPlayInterview with Brian O’Keane, AgriBank