Frequently Asked Questions

Here’s some questions we get asked often:

What is a Talking News Release?

A news release with audio, which can be in the form of links to sound bites or interviews. Audio is being used more frequently than ever before by traditionally print media, as well as non-traditional media of all types.

What’s the difference between AgNewsWire and the NAFB News Service?

The main difference is that NAFB provides its service for broadcast members only, about 185 contacts. AgNewsWire lists include NAFB members as well as other broadcasters who are not members, agricultural editors, print and non-traditional media. All content is posted to AgNewsWire.com, a highly search engine-optimized website where they are archived for future retrieval and publicly available. Plus, we can distribute images and audio as well as audio and text.

What kind of metrics do you provide?

We report opens and downloads, we do not report individual media details.