AgNewsWire Services and Rates

The AgNewsWire distribution list is continually being updated and includes approximately 1,700 influencer contacts within the agriculture and biofuels industry, including:

Agricultural media - including farm broadcasters, agricultural editors, podcasters, bloggers, newsletter editors
Industry communicators - organization and agribusiness representatives
Non-farm media - editors, radio stations, reporters
Other industry influencers

Average open rate 34-35%
Average click rate 5%

Content categories on AgNewsWire include:

News Releases -
Standard Text-only News Release - $525.00
Sent to ANW contact list and posted on site
Word format, no length restriction, image files can be included for no additional fee. Order through our easy on-line form and pay by credit card, or contact us by email.
Talking News Release with audio - $900.00
Sent to ANW contact list and posted on site
Includes audio production and web hosting of audio files

Virtual Newsrooms -
Include dedicated page on ANW with multi-media content from an event, such as conference, field day, or annual meeting
Content can include photos, images, audio interviews, long form audio, on-line support materials, video and more
Sent to ANW contact list and promoted via social media
Rates range from $900 for provided materials to $1800 per day for on-site content production
Customized micro-sites also available

Audio - starting at $900
Press conference or interviews for public relations and marketing purposes
Recording, editing, distribution
Posted on a dedicated ANW page, sent to ANW contact list and promoted via social media

Podcasts -
Contact us for custom quotes to created, produce, promote and/or host an agricultural podcast

Images - event photography
Included in most on-site newsroom distribution packages, digital hi-res photography, photojournalism style on-location, uploaded to Flickr as fast as possible, simple fee structure with no copyright restrictions. Over 160,000 photos in over 700 Flickr albums have been viewed over 17 million times and are archived for search purposes.

Video - web quality recording of interviews and presentations available
Facebook Live and YouTube videos may be included as part of on-site newsroom packages

Contact: Chuck Zimmmerman