Corn Growers Welcome New Congress

The National Corn Growers Association spent Tuesday on Capitol Hill this week, welcoming the 114th Congress to Washington and talking up the importance of agriculture to the American economy. Pictured here is NCGA President Chip Bowling of Maryland with Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL) – photo from NCGA. NCGA executive vice president Jon Doggett talks about the visit and important issues …

USDA Crop Report Comments

USDA has increased its estimate of both the corn and soybean crops this month, building on already forecast record highs. Corn production is forecast at 14.4 billion bushels, up 3 percent from both the August forecast and from 2013 and yields are expected to average 171.7 bushels per acre, almost 13 bushels an acre higher than last year. Soybean production …

Interview with National Corn President

Members of the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) had a busy week in the nation’s capital last week – hearing from and meeting with administration officials and lawmakers, saying goodbye to retiring industry leaders, and inspiring new young leaders. In this interview with NCGA president Martin Barbre of Illinois, he talks about their conversation with EPA Deputy Administrator Bob Perciasepe, …