Officials Discuss RFS with Farm Broadcasters

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and EPA administrator Gina McCarthy both talked about the proposal to lower volume requirements under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) with members of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting meeting in Washington DC this week.

More Content From NAFB 2013

The ZimmComm team got so much content from this year’s NAFB Convention that we decided to add a second page because the first one was getting so full. Here is a link to the first post where you can find interviews from NAFB leadership and other companies we chatted with during Trade Talk: 2013 NAFB Convention Photos: 2013 NAFB Convention …

2013 NAFB Convention

NAFB 2013 was held November 13-15 in Kansas City, Missouri at the Westin Hotel at Crown Center.  The chilly weather didn’t stop anybody from attending the 70th annual National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention, where hundreds of farm broadcasters came together to discuss the pressing topics of the industry. Photos: 2013 NAFB Convention Photo Album Audio: Airing on the Side …

USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack at NAFB

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack visited the 70th National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) Annual Convention in Kansas City on Friday. The Secretary centered his comments around the RFS announcement, record levels of exports, drought issues and the farm bill. He also answered questions from the broadcasters. Listen to or download the entire one hour press conference: 2013 NAFB Convention Photo …

NAFB Washington Watch – Audio

The annual Washington Watch is for members of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. It’s a time to meet with agricultural organization representatives, USDA officials and members of Congress. We’ll share lots of audio and photos from the event here during this week as the program unfolds. Issues Forum Interviews Farm Bill Farm Bill, RFS, corn crop Farm Bill, USDA …