More From #Classic16

The 2016 Commodity Classic was one for the record books, increasing attendance to 9770, compared to 7,936 in 2015. The trade show featured an all-time high of 433 participating companies, including 128 first-time exhibitors. These exhibitors filled a record 253,300 net square feet of booth space, 49 percent more space 2015’s trade show in Phoenix. Below you will find some …

Bayer LibertyLink Real Yield Winners at #Classic16

Winners of the Bayer LibertyLink Real Yield Game were announced at the 2016 Commodity Classic. Among them were five farmers who were instant winners, receiving 500 acres of LibertyLink soybean seed and Liberty herbicide, and one grand prize winner who gets a year’s lease on a John Deere 8320R tractor. Even better, 28 state FFA organizations got a share in …

Morning Farm Report Adds Nutrient Forecast & Spray Smart Tech

Agrible, Inc. has announced new features and significant enhancements to Morning Farm Report™, their suite of predictive analytics tools for growers and agricultural companies. Tools like Advanced Nutrient Engine, Spray Smart™, Drone Plan, and Field Story™ have been added to the yield estimates, fieldwork recommendations, and weather forecasts already provided by Morning Farm Report. Each new tool adds more data …

2016 Commodity Classic

“Get Jazzed” is the theme of the 2016 Commodity Classic in New Orleans – the annual meeting of some 8,000 corn, soybeans, wheat and sorghum farmers, member associations., agribusiness and farm media. The event features a huge trade show as well as a variety of educational sessions from microbes to honey bees, unmanned aerial systems to measuring sustainability, global weather …

2016 @BASFAgproducts Science Behind

The pre-Commodity Classic BASF event for 2016 was the Science Behind Living Acres. Held at the New Orleans Audubon Butterfly Garden Insectarium, the event featured a closer look at biodiversity with research and guidance from BASF to help cultivate a habitat for monarchs alongside modern agriculture. During the Commodity Classic, BASF introduced Maglis, an online agricultural platform designed to help …

2016 Bayer #AgVocacy Forum

Agricultural journalists and bloggers gathered in New Orleans in advance of the 2016 Commodity Classic for an AgVocacy Forum, diving deep into the most critical challenges to food, agriculture and consumer needs. The event is being moderated once again by Frank Sesno. You can follow the conversation on Twitter at #AgVocate. Bayer AgVocacy Forum Photos What’s On America’s Plate? Bayer …

GROWMARK Agronomy Introduces Sustainability Programs

GROWMARK is launching new programs out of its Agronomy division as part of its System-wide Sustainability Initiative called Endure. The programs include a Pollinator Seed Program, Endure Advocate Program, and entry-level and advanced nutrient management training programs. Pollinator Seed Program As part of its pollinator program, GROWMARK is donating seed to many of its supply and grain members to plant …

Phibro Animal Health Launches Antibiotic Website

Public health concerns about antibiotic resistance are on the rise and Phibro Animal Health has launched to provide accurate and credible information while still creating open dialogue about animal agriculture and the use of antibiotics. The site allows consumers to explore all issues surrounding animal antibiotics. Consumers can view a video series explaining how and why animal antibiotics are …

Memphis Hosts 64th Mid-South Farm & Gin Show

The 64th annual Mid-South Farm and Gin Show is being held February 26-27, 2016 at the Cook Convention Center, Memphis featuring more than 400 exhibitors as well as Informational and educational seminars The show, sponsored by Southern Cotton Ginners Association and Foundation and Delta Farm Press, regularly attracts 20,000 domestic and international decision-makers. 2016 Mid-South Farm & Gin Show Photo …

Ceva U.S. Swine Launch

Attendees arriving early for the 47th annual American Association of Swine Veterinarians meeting in New Orleans were offered an introduction to Ceva Animal Health, the Ceva Swine Division and scientific presentations during an event on February 26. Ceva Animal Health, an international company with U.S. headquarters in Kansas City, announced its entry into the swine business in 2015. Ceva U.S. …

Swine Vets Meet in New Orleans

The 47th annual American Association of Swine Veterinarians meeting is being held in New Orleans Feb. 27-March 1, 2016 with the theme “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Collaboration and Teamwork.” As a prequel to the meeting, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. (BIVI) once again hosted a swine health seminar for invited attendees. The theme this year was “Start Healthy, End …

Trial Results of New Liquid Magnesium Fertilizer

From weather and soil conditions to changing commodity prices, farmers are operating in an increasingly unpredictable environment and must continuously find new ways to maximize their yields while keeping an eye on costs. Through a series of 2015 field trials, NutriMag™, a new suite of liquid magnesium fertilizers, is proving to be a solution for potato, corn, soybean, alfalfa and …

USMEF Weekly Audio Report

In this week’s U.S. Meat Export Federation’s (USMEF) audio report, we again hear from John Brook, USMEF regional director for Europe, Russia and the Middle East. Gulfood 2016 is underway this week in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and is attract more than 90,000 people from 160 countries. Brook notes that the largest-ever contingent of U.S. meat exporters is participating in …

Vilsack and Duvall Discuss Benefits of TPP

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall got together to discuss the benefit of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) for agriculture as AFBF released an economic analysis of the pending trade agreement. “Until today, we didn’t have a specific documented review or study of that benefit,” said Vilsack, said in thanking Farm Bureau for doing the …

New Holland Launches Marketing Tech Platform

New Holland has launced a new dealer marketing services platform created by SproutLoud. To learn more, Chuck Zimmerman spoke with Tony Resh, regional marketing manager, New Holland. Tony says the new tool is called AMP Control Center – Activate, Market, Promote, and it allows dealers to enhance their presence in the digital marketplace with features a user interface that is …