On this week’s AnimalAgCast we hear from Dean Bolstad, Division Chief of the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Division of Wild Horses and Burros. Dean provides an overview of the ways BLM’s Wild Horse and Burro Program works to protect and maximize the welfare of our nation’s wild horses and burros and discusses some negative rumors about the program that have recently spread across the internet from horse industry and animal rights groups.
In this program, Bolstad offers concerned listeners an informative explanation of the wild horse program’s mission and BLM policies related to horse welfare, as well as a look into the scope of the challenges facing the program’s sustainability.
“Taking care of the habitat the horses depend on is the most important factor in ensuring that we can sustain healthy horse herds, and that means controlling their numbers,” he said. “The overarching goal here is to control the wild horse population so that we can sustain the public lands they reside on.”
Listen to the full program to learn more: AnimalAgCast with Dean Bolstad, BLM