GROWMARK is launching a new sustainability initiative called Endure that will reinforce the company’s commitment to sustainability. The program is a System-wide effort to ensure continued profitability for the company, owners, and customers, while developing programs that help the environment and greater good. “In the GROWMARK System, we believe it is our responsibility to ensure our earth and industry perform sustainably,” said GROWMARK Chief Executive Officer Jim Spradlin. “We go to great lengths to apply business ethics, invest in communities, and engage our employees in practices that enhance the profitability and sustainability of agriculture,” he added.
Each area of the GROWMARK System will launch programs over the coming weeks, months, and years. The initiatives from Agronomy, Energy, Facility Planning, Grain, Logistics, Talent Management, Young Producers, and The GROWMARK Foundation will centralize activities and focus to ensure the ability to endure over time. Information on Endure activities will be communicated when available.
Read Full Release Here.