FEBRUARY 28, 2011 – NEW PRAGUE, MN – The Agricultural Relations Council (ARC) elected its 2011 board of directors at its annual conference in Fort Myers, FL, Feb. 24-25.
The 2011 ARC Board elected at the business meeting includes: Mace Thornton, American Farm Bureau Federation, board president; Mike Opperman, Charleston/Orwig, first vice president; Janice Person, Monsanto, second vice president; Rebecca Colnar, Cow Camp Communications, secretary treasurer; Deron Johnson, Rhea + Kaiser Marketing Communications, past president. Directors include Mark Ingbritson, consultant; Amy Keith McDonald, McDonald Marketing Communications; Erik Ness, Rosa del Rio Media; and Steve Simms, Illinois Farm Bureau. Departing the board after many years of service were Carroll Merry of Countryside Marketing and Bob Giblin of Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health.
Full Release (PDF)