2025 National Ethanol Conference

The ethanol industry is getting “Back to Our Roots” in 2025 with the Renewable Fuels Association’s 30th annual National Ethanol Conference, taking place in Nashville February 17–19.

Since 1996, NEC has been the nation’s most widely attended executive-level conference for the ethanol industry, where sessions featuring globally renowned speakers are interspersed with numerous networking opportunities to help the industry connect and collaborate. Last year in San Diego, RFA hosted nearly 900 industry stakeholders, hailing from 36 states and 20 other countries.

This virtual ag newsroom includes links to photos and audio content available free of charge for digital or print publication or broadcast.

Press Releases

Eight Awarded Scholarships to Attend 30th Annual National Ethanol Conference
RFA Analysis Shows Ethanol Industry Made Strong Contribution to the U.S. Economy in 2024
RFA’s Cooper: Boosting Ethanol Can Again Help Avert Farm Crisis
Iowa’s Rick Schwarck Honored with RFA Industry Award


2025 National Ethanol Conference Photo Album


Preview interview with RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper
RFA CEO Geoff Cooper, NEC preview (4:36)

Wrap up press interview with RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper
RFA CEO Geoff Cooper, press avail (25:22)

Interview with Scott Richman, RFA Chief Economist – Economic analysis and exports
RFA economist Scott Richman (12:15)

Interview with Troy Bredenkamp, RFA Senior VP, Government & Public Affairs
Troy Bredenkamp, RFA Government Affairs (4:32)

Interview with Ryan LeGrand, U.S. Grains Council, President and CEO
Ryan LeGrand, U.S. Grains Council (5:24)

Interview with National Corn Growers Association president Kenneth Hartman Jr., of Waterloo, Illinois
NCGA president Kenneth Hartman (5:43)

Interview with Karol King, Board Chairman, SIRE
SIRE board chair Karol King (5:23)

Scholarship award winners
Katherine Ludolph, studying agriculture business at Fort Hays State University, merchandiser assistant at East Kansas Agri-Energy
RFA NEC Scholarship winner Katherine Ludolph (12:20)
Alex Lowe, special projects manager at KAAPA Ethanol
RFA NEC Scholarship winner Alex Lowe (2:46)
Denae Reeves, compliance specialist at Southwest Iowa Renewable Energy.
RFA NEC Scholarship winner Denae Reeves (1:46)

Presentations and Panels
State of the Industry Address – RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper
RFA CEO Geoff Cooper, Industry Address (35:56)

Fireside chat with Rep. Randy Feenstra (R-IA) and RFA CEO Geoff Cooper
Rep. Feenstra and Geoff Cooper (22:56)
Rep. Feenstra and reporters

Back to our Roots Panel
Dave VanderGriend, CEO, ICM, Inc.
Karol King, Board Chairman, SIRE
Rodney Jorgenson, Board Member, Al-Corn Clean Fuel
Todd Brown, Board Member, Dakota Ethanol, LLC
Rod Gangwish, Board Member, KAAPA Ethanol Holdings LLC
Moderator: Geoff Cooper, President and CEO, Renewable Fuels Association
RFANEC Back to our Roots Panel (101:36)

The RFS at 20: Two Decades of Transforming Agriculture
Juan Sacoto, Executive Director and Head of Global Agribusiness Consulting, S&P Global
Kevin Lindemer, Head of Downstream Consulting Americas, S&P Global
Moderator: Scott Richman, Chief Economist, Renewable Fuels Association
RFANEC RFS at 20 panel (26:14)

American Agriculture at the Crossroads:
Kenneth Zuckerberg, Director of Global Research, CHS Inc.
RFANEC Kenneth Zuckerberg, CHS (40:33)

EPA Update: The Latest on Renewable Fuels Policy and Regulation:
Matthew Morrison, Attorney, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLC
RFANEC Matthew Morrison, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman (28:48)

Navigating the Future of Clean Fuel Tax Incentives:
Dana Jackson, Partner, RSM US LLP
Tony Miller, Principal, Energy Compliance Services – Technical, Weaver
Moderator: Jared Mullendore, Policy Counsel and Director, Government Affairs, Renewable Fuels Association
RFANEC Tax incentives panel (28:48)

Cashing in on Carbon Markets
Will Faulkner, Founder of Carbon Acumen
Susan Stroud, Founder and Analyst at No Bull
Jamie MacKinnon, SVP of Origination, Environmental Products, ANEW Climate
Moderator: Neil Koehler, President, KBE LLC
RFANEC Carbon Markets panel (53:46)

Talking About Ethanol: What Works:
Phillip Morris, Partner, LSG
RFANEC Phillip Morris, LSG (27:43)

RFA Industry Award presented to Rick Schwark, Absolute Energy
RFANEC Industry Award (8:30)

Ethanol’s Role in Heavy-Duty and Aviation
Brian Olson, ICE and Low Carbon Fuels Product Strategy Director, Cummins Power Systems
Felix Leworthy, Co-founder and Chief Commercial Officer, ETFuels
Holly Mayton, Lead for Research Partnerships and Science Policy, John Deere
Tim Hughes, Project Director, Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI)
Moderator: Tad Hepner, VP, Strategy and Innovation, Renewable Fuels Association
RFANEC Heavy Duty and Aviation panel (1:18:05)

Future of Electric Vehicles panel
John Howard, Director, Product Management, Experian Automotive
Andrew Koblenz, Executive Vice President of Strategic Affairs and Industry Initiatives, National Automobile Dealers Association
LeeAnn Goheen, Senior Director, Government Affairs, NATSO & SIGMA
Moderator: Robert White, Senior VP, Industry Relations & Market Development, Renewable Fuels Association
RFANEC Future of EVs Panel (59:00)

Expanding the Global Market
Everett Eissenstat, Partner, Squire Patton Boggs
Ryan LeGrand, President and CEO, U.S. Grains Council
Moderator: Ed Hubbard, General Counsel and VP, Government Affairs, Renewable Fuels Association
RFANEC Expanding Exports panel (45:18)