Farm Foundation Hosts Farm Policy Forum

While the Kamala Harris/Donald Trump debate took the spotlight this week, Farm Foundation hosted a forum on Monday that focused more specifically on the farm policy of each party’s candidate.

Moderated by Kristina Peterson with The Wall Street Journal, The Agricultural Platforms of the Candidates for President of the United States featured Kip Tom, Farmers and Ranchers for Trump Coalition, for the Republican platform, while the Democratic platform was advocated for by Rod Snyder, former Senior Advisor for Agriculture for EPA in the Biden-Harris Administration. Topics covered included the farm bill, agricultural trade, environmental policy, farm labor and immigration, and biofuels policy.

The two-hour discussion at the National Press Club also included questions from the audience and it is well worth watching. Watch the whole forum here.

Listen to opening statements and specific comments on biofuels here:
Farm Foundation forum opening statements (18:57)
Farm Foundation forum biofuels policy comments (3:43)