ZimmCast 693 – Stay Curious with Alltech Crop Science


ZimmCastHello and welcome to the ZimmCast.

The Alltech ONE Conference, in-person, may be over but the conference is still live virtually. Yes. You can still register and have access to all the recorded sessions and speakers. So, for this week’s podcast I’m going to share a couple of speakers who have just been added to the AgNewsWire virtual newsroom for the event. I thought you might be interested in their topics.

Let’s start out with Amy Bell-Elmohammed, Quality Manager for Alltech. Amy managed the Stay Curious Track for the conference. She will explain what that means.

Next let’s turn to a topic area many of you are involved in which is crop science. Learn what Alltech is doing in this area from Steve Borst, Vice President of Alltech Crop Science.

So, if you liked these topics you can find more if you register for the Alltech ONE Conference and look through all the virtual content.

I hope you enjoyed this episode and thank you for listening.

Listen to the ZimmCast here:
ZimmCast 693 - Stay Curious with Alltech Crop Science (18:29)

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