Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President and CEO Geoff Cooper told participants at the 2021 International Fuel Ethanol Workshop and Expo Wednesday that low-carbon ethanol’s “brightest and sunniest days remain ahead” despite recent judicial setbacks and a growing policy push on electric vehicles.
Listen to Cooper’s remarks here:
FEW 2021 Keynote RFA CEO Geoff Cooper (27:00)
Click here for the keynote remarks as prepared, and here for the slides used in Cooper’s presentation.
FEW Association Panel
Moderator: Tim Portz, Program Developer, BBI International
Troy Bredenkamp, Senior VP Government & Public Affairs, Renewable Fuels Association
Brian Jennings, CEO, American Coalition for Ethanol
Chris Bliley, Senior Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Growth Energy
FEW 2021 Association Panel (44:39)