The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) congratulates President-Elect Joe Biden on his victory, as projected by the Associated Press and others. The following is a statement from RFA President and CEO Geoff Cooper with audio sound bites:
“We look forward to working with the Biden administration in the years ahead to ensure a strong and growing market for low-carbon renewable fuels like ethanol. During the campaign, Joe Biden repeatedly stressed his support for ethanol and the Renewable Fuel Standard, which for 15 years has helped lower fuel costs for drivers, reduce dependence on foreign oil, boost the rural economy, and slash harmful emissions. President-Elect Biden understands that renewable fuels can play an instrumental role in our nation’s effort to decarbonize transportation fuels, and he also knows just how important a strong ethanol industry is to our nation’s farmers, rural communities, and consumers. We are committed to collaborating with the Biden administration on the many opportunities that lie ahead for renewable fuels.”
RFA CEO Geoff Cooper comments on Biden presidency (4:07)The audio file contains three comments from Geoff Cooper:
How RFA feels about the future of the RFS under a Biden administration – 1:06
EPA’s delay on both proposing 2021 Renewable Volume Obligations and ruling on pending small refinery waivers will still create uncertainty for the ethanol industry 1:46
Cooper says the ethanol industry has plenty of allies on the Democrat side in Congress who will have the ear of the new president. 1:10