Inari, a Flagship Pioneering company, recently announced the world’s first Seed Foundry as part of the company’s mission to reintroduce genetic diversity and challenge the seed industry with a shorter, lower-cost and more precise product development cycle. Purdue Research Park business complex, in West Lafayette, Indiana, will be the location for the Cambridge-based Inari to fuel its product development with its proximity to the seed industry and the Purdue University College of Agriculture.
Inari aims to revolutionize plant breeding by merging the latest technologies with leading-edge data analysis tools to bring top-performing plants to market faster with the aim of cutting breeding time by two-thirds and cutting development costs by up to 90 percent. Inari also plans to combine biology, agronomy, data science and software engineering to make innovative breakthroughs by working with seed company partners.
Inari VP of Digital and Strategy Matthew Perkins talks about the new development in this interview from the recent ASTA 2018 CSS and Seed Expo. ASTACSS18 Interview with Matthew Perkins, Inari