#AFBF16 in Orlando

afbf16-signThe 97th annual convention of the American Farm Bureau Federation was held January 10-12 in Orlando, Florida. The event kicked off with the Opening General Session where outgoing President Bob Stallman addressed thousands of farmers and ranchers from around the country and encouraged them to stand up and be counted.

Check out the 2016 AFBF Convention photos.

Listen to Bob Stallman’s final speech as AFBF President: PlayBob Stallman final speech to AFBF convention

#AFBF16 Honors Two Former Senators
PlayMike Johanns accepts AFBF distinguished service award

PlaySaxby Chambliss accepts AFBF distinguished service award

Stallman Meets the Press for Last Time #AFBF16PlayBob Stallman final press conference

Florida Ag Commissioner Adam Putnam Welcomes #AFBF16PlayFL ag commissioner welcomes AFBF

Ag Trade Rep Gives #TPP Details at #AFBF16
PlayUSTR ag trade negotiator Darci Vetter

PlayVetter AFBF press conference

Vote for #AFBF16 Final Four Entrepreneurs
PlayFinal Four FB Rural Entrepreneurs

#AFBF16 Town Hall with Secretary Vilsack
PlayAFBF Town Hall with Secretary Vilsack

PlayVilsack AFBF press conference

#AFBF16 Awards Rural Entrepreneur of the Year – AccuGrain of Rose Hill, Iowa
PlayInterview with Rural Entrepreneur of the Year

Farmer Fighting Government at #AFBF16
PlayJohn Duarte story

GMO Convert at #AFBF16
PlayGMO advocate Mark Lynas press conference

Zippy Duvall Elected New @FarmBureau President
PlayZippy Duvall elected AFBF president

Meet the New @FarmBureau President and VP
PlayAFBF 2016 Closing Press Conference