New ZimmCast Episode – The Elephant in the Corn Field

zimmcast-image-postingThe latest ZimmCast episode features a cornfield, an elephant and DTN’s Chris Clayton.

With the title, “The Elephant in the Cornfield,” Chris Clayton’s first book draws you in just to find out what it’s all about says ZimmCast host Chuck Zimmerman.  Chris is the policy editor for DTN/The Progressive Farmer and an issue near and dear to his heart is climate change. The book highlights the critical nature of agriculture in the country’s struggle over finding direction mitigating greenhouse gases and adapting to a more volatile climate.

Chuck shares that interest and was able to sit down with Chris at the NAFB convention to talk about the subject and what he has written.

The Elephant in the Cornfield is an e-book available now on

Listen to this week’s program for more: PlayThe Elephant in the Corn Field

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