Crop Health Labs’ Plant Sap Analysis Increases Profits

crophealthlabsGrowers looking to reduce crop inputs and increase profits now have access to a program to achieve both – Plant Sap Analysis. The technology is offered by Crop Health Labs, in partnership with NovaCropControl Laboratories. Plant Sap Analysis offers a different approach to a very common nutrient management problem. Unlike traditional tissue sampling, Plant Sap Analysis provides immediate indicators of plant stress, before the plant even shows nutrient deficiencies. This saves valuable time and allows growers to apply exacting amounts of fertility inputs, before symptoms emerge.

Crop Health Labs is the only company offering 21 different nutrient parameters for testing in a laboratory environment. The company uses standardized operating, sampling and shipping procedures and the analysis is customized for each grower’s operation. For growers who are not trained consultants, Crop Health Labs trained staff work directory with growers based on crop and region.

A Different Approach to Nutrient ManagementPlayInterview with Michelle Gregg & Gary Reding, Crop Health Labs

Crop Health Labs Executive Director Michelle Gregg says the benefits of Plant Sap Analysis are truly realized financially. “We have a database of long-term, trend data from 10 years of sap analysis study. Growers report saving most on reserved Nitrogen, up to 40 percent of their nitrogen costs, by modifying applications of macro and micro-nutrients in key ratios identified for optimum plant health. The technology is a systems balancer that can be applied to any production system.”

Crop Health Labs recommends conducting the Plant Sap Analysis every two weeks, but the consultant and client determine the best sampling schedule on a custom basis. The technology can be used for virtually any crop and an analysis for the cannabis industry is in the pipeline for future development. With delayed crops in many regions due to extreme weather conditions, including excess rain and drought, there is still time to begin Plant Sap Analysis for this growing season.

Crop Health Labs is offering three webinars for crop consultants, growers, and one specific to soybean producers. All webinars will be recorded and available for viewing or purchase following the event.

June 30, 2015 hosted in partnership with the American Society of Agronomy
1:00-2:00 PM EST
“Best Practices for Sap Analysis Application: Consultants and Clients Review ”
Daniel Davidson, PhD and Sjoerd Smits, co-founder of NovaCropControl Laboratory
Registration available at

July 7, 2015: Hosted in partnership with the American Soybean Association
2:00 PM EST
Sap Analysis Application for Soybean Producers
Daniel Davidson, PhD
Registration available at

July 14, 2015
7:00 PM EST
Hosted in partnership with Advancing Eco Agriculture
John Kempf, CEO of Advancing Eco Agriculture
“Sap Analysis: The Competitive Edge Consulting Firms”
Registration available at

Visit Crop Health Labs’ website for more information and to register. To speak with a trained Plant Sap Analyst, call 1-800-495-7938 or email:

Read full release here.