Marrone Bio Celebrates Opening of Michigan Manufacturing Facility

Marrone Bio Innovations Ribbon CuttingMarrone Bio Innovations, Inc. celebrated the official opening of its Marrone Michigan Manufacturing (M3) facility today with a ribbon cutting ceremony and plant tours. Pictured are the speakers from the program listed below.

Today’s event features a facility tour which highlights the benefits of MBI’s bio-based products for pest management and plant health and gives attendees a firsthand look at the updates and expansions to the production facility. Speakers at the ribbon cutting event include:

Senator Debbie Stabenow, Chairwoman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture
Administrator Lillian Salerno, USDA Rural Business-Cooperative Service
Director James Turner, State Director, USDA-Rural Development
Senator John Proos and Representative Aric Nesbitt, Michigan Senate and House of Representatives
Mayor Nick Householder, Mayor of Bangor, Michigan
Dr. Pamela Marrone, CEO and Founder, Marrone Bio Innovations

You can listen to or download the program here. PlayMarrone Michigan Manufacturing Ribbon Cutting Ceremony